Ranger Ambari Installation
Also available as:

Configuring SolrCloud

Use the following procedure to configure SolrCloud.

  1. Download the solr_for_audit_setup_v3 file to the /usr/local/ directory:

    wget https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12761323/solr_for_audit_setup_v3.tgz -O /usr/local/solr_for_audit_setup_v3.tgz
  2. Use the following commands to switch to the /usr/local/ directory and extract the solr_for_audit_setup_v3 file.

    cd /usr/local
    tar xvf solr_for_audit_setup_v3.tgz

    The contents of the .tgz file will be extracted into a /usr/local/solr_for_audit_setup directory.

  3. Use the following command to switch to the /usr/local/solr_for_audit_setup directory.

    cd /usr/local/solr_for_audit_setup
  4. Use the following command to open the install.properties file in the vi text editor.

    vi install.properties

    Set the following property values, then save the changes to the install.properties file.

    Table 4.2. Solr install.properties Values

    Property NameValueDescription
    JAVA_HOME<path_to_jdk>, for example: /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_40Provide the path to the JDK install folder. For Hadoop, you can check /etc/hadoop/conf/hadoop-env.sh for the value of JAVA_HOME. As noted previously, Solr only supports JDK 1.7 and higher.
    SOLR_USERsolrThe Linux user used to run Solr.
    SOLR_INSTALL_FOLDER/opt/lucidworks-hdpsearch/solrThe Solr installation directory.
    SOLR_RANGER_HOME/opt/lucidworks-hdpsearch/solr/ranger_audit_serverThe location where the Ranger-related configuration and schema files will be copied.
    SOLR_RANGER_PORT6083The Solr port for Ranger.
    SOLR_DEPLOYMENTsolrcloudThe deployment type.
    SOLR_ZK<ZooKeeper_host>:2181/ranger_auditsThe Solr ZooKeeper host and port. It is recommended to provide a sub-folder to create the Ranger Audit related configurations so you can also use ZooKeeper for other Solr instances. Due to a Solr bug, if you are using a path (sub-folder), you can only specify one ZooKeeper host.
    SOLR_SHARDS1If you want to distribute your audit logs, you can use multiple shards. Make sure the number of shards is equal or less than the number of Solr nodes you will be running.
    SOLR_REPLICATION1It is highly recommend that you set up at least two nodes and replicate the indexes. This gives redundancy to index data, and also provides load balancing of Solr queries.
    SOLR_LOG_FOLDER/var/log/solr/ranger_auditsThe folder for the Solr log files.
    SOLR_MAX_MEM2gThe memory allocation for Solr.

  5. Use the following command to run the set up script.

  6. Run the following command only once from any node. This command adds the Ranger Audit configuration (including schema.xml) to ZooKeeper.

  7. Log in as the solr or root user and run the following command to start Solr on each node.


    When Solr starts, a confirmation message appears.

    Started Solr server on port 6083 (pid=). Happy searching!
  8. Run the following command only once from any node. This command creates the Ranger Audit collection.

  9. You can use a web browser to open the Solr Admin Console at the following address:


You can use the following command to stop Solr:
