Interface | Description |
Addressing.AddressSelectionCondition |
Interface for AddressSelectionCondition to check if address is acceptable
BloomFilter |
Defines the general behavior of a bloom filter.
BloomFilterBase |
Common methods Bloom filter methods required at read and write time.
BloomFilterWriter |
Specifies methods needed to add elements to a Bloom filter and serialize the
resulting Bloom filter as a sequence of bytes.
ByteRange |
Lightweight, reusable class for specifying ranges of byte[]'s.
CancelableProgressable |
Similar interface as
org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable but returns
a boolean to support canceling the operation. |
EnvironmentEdge |
Has some basic interaction with the environment.
FSVisitor.LogFileVisitor | |
FSVisitor.RecoveredEditsVisitor | |
FSVisitor.RegionVisitor | |
FSVisitor.StoreFileVisitor | |
HBaseFsck.ErrorReporter | |
JSONBean.Writer |
Use dumping out mbeans as JSON.
KeyRange |
A key range use in split coverage.
ModifyRegionUtils.RegionEditTask | |
ModifyRegionUtils.RegionFillTask | |
PoolMap.Pool<R> | |
PositionedByteRange |
ByteRange with additional methods to support tracking a
consumers position within the viewport. |
RegionSplitter.SplitAlgorithm |
A generic interface for the RegionSplitter code to use for all it's
WeakObjectPool.ObjectFactory<K,V> |
ObjectFactory object is used to create
new shared objects on demand. |
Class | Description |
AbstractByteRange |
An abstract implementation of the ByteRange API
AbstractHBaseTool |
Common base class used for HBase command-line tools.
AbstractPositionedByteRange |
Extends the basic
SimpleByteRange implementation with position
support. |
Addressing |
Utility for network addresses, resolving and naming.
ArrayUtils |
A set of array utility functions that return reasonable values in cases where an array is
allocated or if it is null
Base64 |
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.Base64InputStream |
Base64.Base64InputStream will read data from another
InputStream, given in the constructor, and
encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly. |
Base64.Base64OutputStream |
Base64.Base64OutputStream will write data to another
OutputStream, given in the constructor, and
encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly. |
BloomFilterFactory |
Handles Bloom filter initialization based on configuration and serialized
metadata in the reader and writer of
StoreFile . |
BoundedArrayQueue<E> |
A bounded non-thread safe implementation of
Queue . |
BoundedCompletionService<V> |
A completion service, close to the one available in the JDK 1.7
However, this ones keeps the list of the future, and allows to cancel them all.
BoundedConcurrentLinkedQueue<T> |
A ConcurrentLinkedQueue that enforces a maximum queue size.
BoundedPriorityBlockingQueue<E> |
A generic bounded blocking Priority-Queue.
BuilderStyleTest |
Utility class to check whether a given class conforms to builder-style:
Foo foo =
new Foo()
ByteBloomFilter |
Implements a Bloom filter, as defined by Bloom in 1970.
ByteBufferArray |
This class manages an array of ByteBuffers with a default size 4MB.
ByteBufferUtils |
Utility functions for working with byte buffers, such as reading/writing
variable-length long numbers.
ByteRangeUtils |
Utility methods for working with
ByteRange . |
Bytes |
Utility class that handles byte arrays, conversions to/from other types,
comparisons, hash code generation, manufacturing keys for HashMaps or
HashSets, etc.
Bytes.ByteArrayComparator |
Byte array comparator class.
Bytes.RowEndKeyComparator |
Bytes.ByteArrayComparator that treats the empty array as the largest value. |
ByteStringer |
Hack to workaround HBASE-1304 issue that keeps bubbling up when a mapreduce context.
ChecksumFactory |
Utility class that is used to generate a Checksum object.
Classes |
Utilities for class manipulation.
ClassLoaderBase |
Base class loader that defines couple shared constants used
by sub-classes.
ClassLoaderTestHelper |
Some utilities to help class loader testing
ClassSize |
Class for determining the "size" of a class, an attempt to calculate the
actual bytes that an object of this class will occupy in memory
The core of this class is taken from the Derby project
CollectionBackedScanner |
Utility scanner that wraps a sortable collection and serves
as a KeyValueScanner.
CollectionUtils |
Utility methods for dealing with Collections, including treating null collections as empty.
CompoundBloomFilter |
A Bloom filter implementation built on top of
ByteBloomFilter ,
encapsulating a set of fixed-size Bloom filters written out at the time of
HFile generation into the data
block stream, and loaded on demand at query time. |
CompoundBloomFilterBase | |
CompoundBloomFilterWriter |
Adds methods required for writing a compound Bloom filter to the data
section of an
HFile to the
CompoundBloomFilter class. |
CompressionTest |
Compression validation test.
ConcatenatedLists<T> |
A collection class that contains multiple sub-lists, which allows us to not copy lists.
ConcurrentIndex<K,V> |
A simple concurrent map of sets.
ConfigUtil |
Some configuration related utilities
ConnectionCache |
A utility to store user specific HConnections in memory.
ConstantDelayQueue<E> |
A blocking queue implementation for adding a constant delay.
CoprocessorClassLoader |
ClassLoader used to load classes for Coprocessor instances.
Counter |
High scalable counter.
DefaultEnvironmentEdge |
Default implementation of an environment edge.
DirectMemoryUtils |
Utilities for interacting with and monitoring DirectByteBuffer allocations.
Wrapper around Hadoop's DNS class to hide reflection.
DrainBarrier |
A simple barrier that can be used by classes that need to wait for some operations to
finish before stopping/closing/etc.
DynamicClassLoader |
This is a class loader that can load classes dynamically from new
jar files under a configured folder.
EncryptionTest | |
EnvironmentEdgeManager |
Manages a singleton instance of the environment edge.
EnvironmentEdgeManagerTestHelper |
Used by tests to inject an edge into the manager.
ExceptionUtil |
This class handles the different interruption classes.
ForeignExceptionUtil |
Helper to convert Exceptions and StackTraces from/to protobuf.
Implementation for hdfs
FSMapRUtils |
MapR implementation.
FSTableDescriptorMigrationToSubdir | Deprecated
will be removed for the major release after 0.96.
FSTableDescriptors |
Implementation of
TableDescriptors that reads descriptors from the
passed filesystem. |
FSUtils |
Utility methods for interacting with the underlying file system.
FSUtils.BlackListDirFilter |
Directory filter that doesn't include any of the directories in the specified blacklist
FSUtils.DirFilter |
PathFilter that only allows directories. |
FSUtils.FamilyDirFilter |
Filter for all dirs that are legal column family names.
FSUtils.HFileFilter |
Filter for HFiles that excludes reference files.
FSUtils.ReferenceFileFilter | |
FSUtils.RegionDirFilter |
Filter for all dirs that don't start with '.'
FSUtils.UserTableDirFilter |
PathFilter that returns usertable directories. |
FSVisitor |
Utility methods for interacting with the hbase.root file system.
GetJavaProperty |
A generic way for querying Java properties.
Hash |
This class represents a common API for hashing functions.
HashedBytes |
This class encapsulates a byte array and overrides hashCode and equals so
that it's identity is based on the data rather than the array instance.
HasThread |
Abstract class which contains a Thread and delegates the common Thread
methods to that instance.
HBaseConfTool |
Tool that prints out a configuration.
HBaseFsck |
HBaseFsck (hbck) is a tool for checking and repairing region consistency and
table integrity problems in a corrupted HBase.
HBaseFsck.HbckInfo |
Maintain information about a particular region.
HBaseFsckRepair |
This class contains helper methods that repair parts of hbase's filesystem
HBaseHomePath |
Determines HBase home path from either class or jar directory
HFileArchiveTestingUtil |
Test helper for testing archiving of HFiles
HFileArchiveUtil |
Helper class for all utilities related to archival/retrieval of HFiles
HFileTestUtil |
Utility class for HFile-related testing.
HFileV1Detector |
Tool to detect presence of any HFileV1 in the given directory.
HttpServerUtil |
HttpServer utility.
IdLock |
Allows multiple concurrent clients to lock on a numeric id with a minimal
memory overhead.
IdLock.Entry |
An entry returned to the client as a lock object
IdReadWriteLock |
Allows multiple concurrent clients to lock on a numeric id with ReentrantReadWriteLock.
IncrementingEnvironmentEdge |
Uses an incrementing algorithm instead of the default.
IterableUtils |
Utility methods for Iterable including null-safe handlers.
JenkinsHash |
Produces 32-bit hash for hash table lookup.
JSONBean |
Utility for doing JSON and MBeans.
JsonMapper |
Utility class for converting objects to JSON
This class is a wrapper for the implementation of
It will decide to use the sun api or its own implementation
depending on the runtime (vendor) used.
JVMClusterUtil |
Utility used running a cluster all in the one JVM.
JVMClusterUtil.MasterThread |
Datastructure to hold Master Thread and Master instance
JVMClusterUtil.RegionServerThread |
Datastructure to hold RegionServer Thread and RegionServer instance
JvmPauseMonitor |
Class which sets up a simple thread which runs in a loop sleeping
for a short interval of time.
JvmVersion |
Certain JVM versions are known to be unstable with HBase.
KeyLocker<K> |
A utility class to manage a set of locks.
LauncherSecurityManager |
class for masquerading System.exit(int).
LoadTestDataGeneratorWithTags | |
LoadTestTool |
A command-line utility that reads, writes, and verifies data.
ManualEnvironmentEdge |
An environment edge that uses a manually set value.
MapreduceDependencyClasspathTool |
Generate a classpath string containing any jars required by mapreduce jobs.
MD5Hash |
Utility class for MD5
MD5 hash produces a 128-bit digest.
Merge |
Utility that can merge any two regions in the same table: adjacent,
overlapping or disjoint.
MetaUtils |
Contains utility methods for manipulating HBase meta tables.
Methods | |
MockServer |
Basic mock Server for handler tests.
ModifyRegionUtils |
Utility methods for interacting with the regions.
MultiHConnection |
Provides ability to create multiple HConnection instances and allows to process a batch of
actions using HConnection.processBatchCallback()
MultiThreadedAction |
Common base class for reader and writer parts of multi-thread HBase load
test (
LoadTestTool ). |
MultiThreadedAction.DefaultDataGenerator |
Default implementation of LoadTestDataGenerator that uses LoadTestKVGenerator, fixed
set of column families, and random number of columns in range.
MultiThreadedReader |
Creates multiple threads that read and verify previously written data
MultiThreadedReaderWithACL |
A MultiThreadReader that helps to work with ACL
MultiThreadedUpdater |
Creates multiple threads that write key/values into the
MultiThreadedUpdaterWithACL |
A MultiThreadUpdater that helps to work with ACL
MultiThreadedWriter |
Creates multiple threads that write key/values into the
MultiThreadedWriterBase |
Creates multiple threads that write key/values into the
MultiThreadedWriterWithACL |
MultiThreadedWriter that helps in testing ACL
MunkresAssignment |
Computes the optimal (minimal cost) assignment of jobs to workers (or other
analogous) concepts given a cost matrix of each pair of job and worker, using
the algorithm by James Munkres in "Algorithms for the Assignment and
Transportation Problems", with additional optimizations as described by Jin
Kue Wong in "A New Implementation of an Algorithm for the Optimal Assignment
Problem: An Improved Version of Munkres' Algorithm".
MurmurHash |
This is a very fast, non-cryptographic hash suitable for general hash-based
MurmurHash3 |
This is a very fast, non-cryptographic hash suitable for general hash-based
OrderedBytes |
Utility class that handles ordered byte arrays.
Pair<T1,T2> |
A generic class for pairs.
PairOfSameType<T> |
A generic, immutable class for pairs of objects both of type
T . |
PoolMap<K,V> |
PoolMap maps a key to a collection of values, the elements
of which are managed by a pool. |
PrettyPrinter | |
ProcessBasedLocalHBaseCluster |
A helper class for process-based mini-cluster tests.
ProtoUtil | |
ReflectionUtils | |
RegionSizeCalculator |
Computes size of each region for given table and given column families.
RegionSplitCalculator<R extends KeyRange> |
This is a generic region split calculator.
RegionSplitter |
RegionSplitter class provides several utilities to help in the
administration lifecycle for developers who choose to manually split regions
instead of having HBase handle that automatically. |
RegionSplitter.HexStringSplit |
HexStringSplit is a well-known
RegionSplitter.SplitAlgorithm for choosing region
boundaries. |
RegionSplitter.UniformSplit |
A SplitAlgorithm that divides the space of possible keys evenly.
RestartMetaTest |
A command-line tool that spins up a local process-based cluster, loads
some data, restarts the regionserver holding hbase:meta, and verifies that the
cluster recovers.
RetryCounter | |
RetryCounter.BackoffPolicy |
Policy for calculating sleeping intervals between retry attempts
RetryCounter.ExponentialBackoffPolicy | |
RetryCounter.ExponentialBackoffPolicyWithLimit | |
RetryCounter.RetryConfig |
Configuration for a retry counter
RetryCounterFactory | |
ServerCommandLine |
Base class for command lines that start up various HBase daemons.
ServerRegionReplicaUtil |
Similar to
RegionReplicaUtil but for the server side |
ShutdownHookManager |
This class provides ShutdownHookManager shims for HBase to interact with the Hadoop 1.0.x and the
Hadoop 2.0+ series.
SimpleByteRange |
A read only version of the
ByteRange . |
SimpleMutableByteRange |
A basic mutable
ByteRange implementation. |
SimplePositionedByteRange |
Extends the basic
SimpleMutableByteRange implementation with position
support and it is a readonly version. |
SimplePositionedMutableByteRange |
Extends the basic
AbstractPositionedByteRange implementation with
position support and it is a mutable version. |
Sleeper |
Sleeper for current thread.
SortedCopyOnWriteSet<E> | |
StoppableImplementation |
A base implementation for a Stoppable service
Strings |
Utility for Strings.
TestBase64 |
Test order preservation characteristics of ordered Base64 dialect
TestBoundedArrayQueue | |
TestBoundedConcurrentLinkedQueue | |
TestBoundedPriorityBlockingQueue | |
TestByteBloomFilter | |
TestByteBufferUtils | |
TestByteRangeWithKVSerialization | |
TestBytes | |
TestCompressionTest | |
TestConcatenatedLists | |
TestConnectionCache | |
TestCoprocessorClassLoader |
Test TestCoprocessorClassLoader.
TestCoprocessorScanPolicy | |
TestCoprocessorScanPolicy.ScanObserver | |
TestCounter | |
TestDefaultEnvironmentEdge |
Tests to make sure that the default environment edge conforms to appropriate
TestDrainBarrier | |
TestDynamicClassLoader |
Test TestDynamicClassLoader
TestEncryptionTest | |
TestEncryptionTest.FailingCipherProvider | |
TestEncryptionTest.FailingKeyProvider | |
TestEnvironmentEdgeManager | |
TestFSHDFSUtils |
Test our recoverLease loop against mocked up filesystem.
TestFSTableDescriptors |
Tests for
FSTableDescriptors . |
TestFSUtils |
FSUtils . |
TestFSVisitor |
FSUtils . |
TestHBaseFsck |
This tests HBaseFsck's ability to detect reasons for inconsistent tables.
TestHBaseFsck.MasterSyncObserver | |
TestHBaseFsckComparator |
Test the comparator used by Hbck.
TestHBaseFsckEncryption | |
TestHFileArchiveUtil |
Test that the utility works as expected
TestIdLock | |
TestIdReadWriteLock | |
TestIncrementingEnvironmentEdge |
Tests that the incrementing environment edge increments time instead of using
the default.
TestKeyLocker | |
TestLoadTestKVGenerator | |
TestMergeTable |
Tests merging a normal table's regions
TestMergeTool |
Test stand alone merge tool that can merge arbitrary regions
TestMiniClusterLoadEncoded |
Runs a load test on a mini HBase cluster with data block encoding turned on.
TestMiniClusterLoadParallel |
A write/read/verify load test on a mini HBase cluster.
TestMiniClusterLoadSequential |
A write/read/verify load test on a mini HBase cluster.
TestOrder | |
TestOrderedBytes | |
TestPoolMap | |
TestPoolMap.TestPoolType | |
TestPoolMap.TestReusablePoolType | |
TestPoolMap.TestRoundRobinPoolType | |
TestPoolMap.TestThreadLocalPoolType | |
TestProcessBasedCluster |
A basic unit test that spins up a local HBase cluster.
TestRegionSizeCalculator | |
TestRegionSplitCalculator | |
TestRegionSplitter |
Tests for
RegionSplitter , which can create a pre-split table or do a
rolling split of an existing table. |
TestRootPath |
Test requirement that root directory must be a URI
TestShowProperties |
This test is there to dump the properties.
TestSimpleMutableByteRange | |
TestSimplePositionedMutableByteRange | |
TestSortedCopyOnWriteSet | |
TestTableName |
Returns a
byte[] containing the name of the currently running test method. |
TestThreads | |
TestWeakObjectPool | |
Threads |
Thread Utility
TimeOffsetEnvironmentEdge | |
Triple<A,B,C> |
Utility class to manage a triple.
UnsafeAccess | |
VersionInfo |
This class finds the package info for hbase and the VersionAnnotation
WeakObjectPool<K,V> |
WeakReference based shared object pool. |
Writables |
Utility class with methods for manipulating Writable objects
YammerHistogramUtils |
Utility functions for working with Yammer Metrics.
ZKDataMigrator |
Tool to migrate zookeeper data of older hbase versions(<0.95.0) to PB.
Enum | Description |
ChecksumType |
Checksum types.
HBaseFsck.ErrorReporter.ERROR_CODE | |
Order |
Used to describe or modify the lexicographical sort order of a
byte[] . |
PoolMap.PoolType | |
PrettyPrinter.Unit |
Exception | Description |
FileSystemVersionException |
Thrown when the file system needs to be upgraded
HBaseFsck.RegionRepairException |
Exception thrown when a integrity repair operation fails in an
unresolvable way.
ReadOnlyByteRangeException |
Exception thrown when a read only byte range is modified