YARN Resource Management
Also available as:

Configuring the Timeline Server Store

In tez-site.xml:


If you do not have Tez enabled on your system, you can safely ignore this setting.

  • tez.history.logging.service.class

    Class name for the Implementation to be used for logging history data.


     <description>Class name for the Implementation to be used for logging history data.</description>

In yarn-site.xml:

  • yarn.timeline-service.entity-group-fs-store.active-dir

    DFS path to store active application’s timeline data. This DFS path must exist and be set up with the following permissions:

    • Permissions: 01777

    • Owner: yarn (or equivalent user for yarn services)

    • Group: hadoop (or the relevant group used for admins)


     <description>DFS path to store active application’s timeline data</description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.entity-group-fs-store.cleaner-interval-seconds

    Scan interval for ATS v1.5 entity group file system storage cleaner.This value controls how frequent the reader will scan the HDFS done directory for stale application data.


     <description>Scan interval for ATS v1.5 entity group file system storage cleaner.This value controls how frequent the reader will scan the HDFS done directory for stale application data. </description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.entity-group-fs-store.done-dir

    DFS path to store done application’s timeline data. This DFS path must exist and be set up with the following permissions:

    • Permissions: 0700

    • Owner: yarn (or equivalent user for yarn services)

    • Group: hadoop (or the relevant group used for admins)


     <description>DFS path to store done application’s timeline data.</description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.entity-group-fs-store.group-id-plugin-classes

    Plugins that can translate a timeline entity read request into a list of timeline cache ids, separated by commas. The classes specified here must be on the class path for the ATS.


     <description>Plugins that can translate a timeline entity read request into a list of timeline cache ids, separated by commas.</description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.entity-group-fs-store.retain-seconds

    How long the ATS v1.5 entity group file system storage system will keep an application's data in the done directory.


     <description>How long the ATS v1.5 entity group file system storage system will keep an application's data in the done directory.</description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.entity-group-fs-store.scan-interval-seconds

    Scan interval for ATS v1.5 entity group file system storage reader.This value controls how frequent the reader will scan the HDFS active directory for application status.


     <description>Scan interval for ATS v1.5 entity group file system storage reader.This value controls how frequent the reader will scan the HDFS active directory for application status.</description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.entity-group-fs-store.summary-store

    Summary storage for ATS v1.5.


     <description>DFS path to store active application’s timeline dataSummary storage for ATS v1.5.</description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.path

    Local FS path to store the leveldbs that hold the application summary data.


     <description>Local FS path to store the leveldbs that hold the application summary data.</description>
     <value><Data disk>/ats/leveldb/</value>
  • yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.path

    The store file path and name for the Timeline Server LevelDB store (if the LevelDB store is used).


     <description>Store file name for leveldb timeline store</description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.store-class

    Main storage class for YARN timeline server.


     <description>Main storage class for YARN timeline server. </description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.ttl-enable

    Enable age-off of timeline store data.


     <description>Enable age off of timeline store data.</description>
  • yarn.timeline-service.ttl-ms

    The Time-to-live for timeline store data (in milliseconds).


     <description>Time to live for timeline store data in milliseconds.</description>