HDP 2.5.3 provides Kafka and no additional Apache patches.
HDP 2.5.0 provided Kafka and the following Apache patches:
KAFKA-3258: Delete broker topic metrics of deleted topics.
KAFKA-3393: Updated the docs to reflect the deprecation of block.on.buffer.full and usage of max.block.ms.
KAFKA-3660: Log exception message in ControllerBrokerRequestBatch.
KAFKA-3683: Add file descriptor recommendation to ops guide.
KAFKA-3704: Revert "Remove hard-coded block size in KafkaProducer."
KAFKA-3717: Support building aggregate javadoc for all project modules.
KAFKA-3718: Propagate all KafkaConfig __consumer_offsets configs to OffsetConfig instantiation.
KAFKA-3721: Put UpdateMetadataRequest V2 in 0.10.0-IV1.
KAFKA-3728: EndToEndAuthorizationTest offsets_topic misconfigured.
KAFKA-3747: Close `RecordBatch.records` when append to batch fails.
KAFKA-3784: TimeWindows#windowsFor calculation is incorrect.
KAFKA-3785: Fetcher spending unnecessary time during metrics recording.
KAFKA-3787: Preserve the message timestamp in mirror maker.
KAFKA-3789: Upgrade Snappy to fix snappy decompression errors.