Apache Ambari Upgrade Best Practices
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Validating the Upgrade Manually

Although the upgrade process includes some basic service checks, those checks are cursory. You must test the critical components that you identified during your upgrade planning and thereby validate the entire cluster.

Your preupgrade planning process should identify a list of critical applications, streaming applications, Hive jobs, and HBase client access points. Have a test plan put together ensures your components are working properly after the upgrade. This is especially important for applications that need to be re-compiled.

You should have ready a series of tests that test:

  1. MapReduce

    Consider running Teragen or Sort on a substantial dataset. Use these to baseline the new configuration for future reference.

  2. HBase

  3. Hive with both engines: MR and Tez

  4. Storm

  5. Kafka

  6. Other cluster-utilitzed components