- 1. Configuring Ports
- Accumulo Service Ports
- Atlas Service Ports
- Flume Service Ports
- HBase Service Ports
- HDFS Service Ports
- Hive Service Ports
- Hue Service Port
- Kafka Service Ports
- Kerberos Service Ports
- Knox Service Ports
- MapReduce Service Ports
- MySQL Service Ports
- Oozie Service Ports
- Ranger Service Ports
- Sqoop Service Ports
- Storm Service Ports
- Tez Ports
- YARN Service Ports
- Zeppelin Service Port
- ZooKeeper Service Ports
- 2. Controlling HDP Services Manually
- 3. Deploying HDP In Production Data Centers With Firewalls
- 4. Hadoop Service Accounts
- 5. Supported Database Matrix for the Hortonworks Data Platform