Release Notes
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This release provides Storm 1.1.1 and the following Apache patches:

  • STORM-2666: Fix storm-kafka-client spout sometimes emitting messages that were already committed.

HDP 2.6.3 provided Storm 1.1.1 and the following Apache patches:

  • STORM-2481: Upgrade Aether version to resolve Aether bug BUG-451566.

  • STORM-2489: Overlap and data loss on WindowedBolt based on Duration.

  • STORM-2516: WindowedBoltExecutorTest.testExecuteWithLateTupleStream is flaky.

  • STORM-2562: Use stronger key size for blow fish key generator and get rid of stack trace.

  • STORM-2563: Remove the workaround to handle missing UGI.loginUserFromSubject.

  • STORM-2598: Add proxy server option for dependency resolver.

  • STORM-2724: Shutdown ExecutorService in WaterMarkEventGenerator in shutdown phase.

  • STORM-2779: NPE on shutting down WindowedBoltExecutor.

  • STORM-2779: NPE on shutting down WindowedBoltExecutor.

HDP 2.6.2 provided Storm 1.1.1 and the following Apache patches:

  • STORM-1114: Handle race condition in Storm/Trident transactional state when ZK nodes have already been created/deleted.

  • STORM-2194: ReportErrorAndDie doesn't always die.

  • STORM-2343: Fix new Kafka spout stopping processing if more than maxUncommittedOffsets tuples fail at once.

  • STORM-2413: Make new Kafka spout respect tuple retry limit .

  • STORM-2429: non-string values in supervisor.scheduler.meta cause crash.

  • STORM-2431: the default blobstore.dir is storm.local.dir/blobs which is different from

  • STORM-2432: Storm-Kafka-Client Trident Spout Seeks Incorrect Offset With UNCOMMITTED_LATEST Strategy.

  • STORM-2440: Kill process if executor catches ``.

  • STORM-2450: Write resources into correct local directory.

  • STORM-2451: windows storm.cmd does not set log4j2 config file correctly by default.

  • STORM-2482: Refactor the Storm auto credential plugins to be more usable.

  • STORM-2482: Refactor the Storm auto credential plugins to be more usable.

  • STORM-2496: Dependency artifacts should be uploaded to blobstore with READ permission for all.

  • STORM-2498: Fix Download Full File link in 1.x branch.

  • STORM-2501: Auto populate Hive credentials using Hive MetaStore delegation tokens.

  • STORM-2505: Spout to support topic compaction .

  • STORM-2506: Print mapping between Task ID and Kafka Partitions.

  • STORM-2511: Submitting a topology with name containing unicode getting failed..

  • STORM-2512: Make constructor public and add one more builder constructor.

  • STORM-2518: NPE during uploading dependency artifacts with secured cluster.

  • STORM-2520: AutoHDFS should prefer cluster-wise hdfs kerberos principal to global hdfs kerberos principal.

  • STORM-2528: Bump log4j version to 2.8.2.

  • STORM-2541: Fix storm-kafka-client manual subscription not being able to start consuming.

  • STORM-2544: Fixing issue in acking of tuples that hit retry limit under manual commit mode.

  • STORM-2548: Simplify KafkaSpoutConfig to avoid duplicating KafkaConsumer configuration parameters.

  • STORM-2552: KafkaSpoutMessageId should be serializable.

  • STORM-2568: Fix getTopicsString .

  • STORM-2618: Add TridentKafkaStateUpdater for storm-kafka-client.

  • STORM-2639: Kafka Spout incorrectly computes numCommittedOffsets due to voids in the topic (topic compaction).

  • STORM-2640: Deprecate KafkaConsumer.subscribe API option, make KafkaConsumer.assign the default.

  • STORM-2642: Storm-kafka-client spout cannot be serialized when using manual partition assignment.

HDP 2.6.1 provided Storm 1.1.0 and the following Apache patches:

  • STORM-1114: Handle race condition in Storm/Trident transactional state when ZK nodes have already been created/deleted.

  • STORM-2194: ReportErrorAndDie doesn't always die.

  • STORM-2429: non-string values in supervisor.scheduler.meta cause crash.

  • STORM-2431: the default blobstore.dir is storm.local.dir/blobs which is different from

  • STORM-2432: Storm-Kafka-Client Trident Spout Seeks Incorrect Offset With UNCOMMITTED_LATEST Strategy.

  • STORM-2440: Kill process if executor catches ``.

  • STORM-2450: Write resources into correct local directory.

  • STORM-2451: windows storm.cmd does not set log4j2 config file correctly by default.

  • STORM-2482: Refactor the Storm auto credential plugins to be more usable.

  • STORM-2482: Refactor the Storm auto credential plugins to be more usable.

  • STORM-2496: Dependency artifacts should be uploaded to blobstore with READ permission for all.

  • STORM-2498: Fix Download Full File link in 1.x branch.

  • STORM-2501: Auto populate Hive credentials using Hive MetaStore delegation tokens.

  • STORM-2511: Submitting a topology with name containing unicode getting failed..

  • STORM-2518: NPE during uploading dependency artifacts with secured cluster.

  • STORM-2520: AutoHDFS should prefer cluster-wise hdfs kerberos principal to global hdfs kerberos principal.

  • STORM-2528: Bump log4j version to 2.8.2.

HDP 2.6.0 provided Storm 1.1.0 with no additional Apache patches.