Using Apache HBase to store and access data
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Backup set subcommands

To create a backup set, run the following command as hbase superuser.

hbase backup set COMMAND [name] [tables]

COMMAND is one of the following:


Following list details subcommands of the hbase backup set command.


You must enter one (and no more than one) of the following subcommands after hbase backup set to complete an operation. Also, the backup set name is case-sensitive in the command-line utility.


Use this subcommand to add tables to a backup set. Specify a backup_set_name value after this argument to create a backup set.

Example of backup set addExample

hbase backup set add Q1Data TEAM_3,TEAM_4

Depending on the environment, this command results in one of the following actions:

  • If the Q1Data backup set does not exist, a backup set containing tables TEAM_3 and TEAM_4 is created.

  • If the Q1Data backup set exists already, the tables TEAM_3 and TEAM_4 are added to the Q1Data backup set.


Use this subcommand to remove tables from a set. Specify the tables to remove in the tables argument.


Use this subcommand to list all backup sets.


Use this subcommand to display on the screen a description of a backup set. The information includes whether the set has full or incremental backups, start and end times of the backups, and a list of the tables in the set. This subcommand must precede a valid value for the backup_set_name value.


Use this subcommand to delete a backup set. Enter the value for the backup_set_name option directly after the hbase backup set delete command.

Optional command-line arguments


Use this argument to assign or invoke a backup set name. The backup set name must contain only printable characters and cannot have any spaces.


List of tables (or a single table) to include in the backup set. Enter the table names as a comma-separated list. If no tables are specified, all tables are included in the set.


Maintain a log or other record of the case-sensitive backup set names and the corresponding tables in each set on a separate or remote cluster, mirroring your backup strategy. This information can help you in case of failure on the primary cluster.