Hortonworks Docs
Data Platform 3.0.0
Installing Apache Atlas
Installing Apache Atlas
Also available as:
Apache Atlas prerequisites
Migrating Atlas metadata when upgrading to HDP-3.0+
Migrate Atlas metadata when upgrading to HDP-3.0+
Installing Atlas
Start the installation
Customize services
Authentication settings
Authorization settings
Dependent configurations
Configure identities
Complete the Atlas installation
Install sample Atlas metadata
Installing Atlas
Apache Atlas provides governance capabilities for Hadoop.
Start the installation
Use the following steps to start the Apache Atlas installation.
Customize services
The next step in the installation process is to specify Atlas authentication and authorization settings on the Customize Services page.
Dependent configurations
After you customize Atlas services and click
, the Dependent Configurations page displays recommended settings for dependent configurations.
Configure identities
If Kerberos is enabled, the Configure Identities page appears.
Complete the Atlas installation
Review the Atlas configuration and complete the installation.
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