Hortonworks Docs
Hortonworks Data Platform 3.1.4
Configuring Apache Knox SSO
Configuring Apache Knox SSO
Also available as:
Setting Up Knox SSO
Configuring an Identity Provider (IdP)
Configuring an LDAP/AD Identity Provider (IdP)
Configuring an Okta Identity Provider (IdP)
Enable Knox SSO Using the Ambari CLI
Configure Knox SSO for HDFS, Oozie, MapReduce2, Zeppelin, or YARN
Configuring an Identity Provider (IdP)
Knox has two identity providers: form-based (for LDAP/AD) and SAML (for Okta).
Configuring an LDAP/AD Identity Provider (IdP)
The form-based identity provider (IdP) is the default identity provider for KnoxSSO out of the box and is installed by Ambari. This form-based IdP is used for LDAP/AD.
Configuring an Okta Identity Provider (IdP)
Apache Knox with KnoxSSO + pac4j provider enables the use of a number of new authentication and SSO solutions for accessing and developing KnoxSSO-enabled applications (including Ambari, Ranger, service UIs and custom built applications that utilize REST APIs through Knox.) This section illustrates the integration of the Okta identity service offering by leveraging the pac4j provider SAML capabilities in Apache Knox.
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