Apache Ambari for HDInsight
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Fixed Issues

Ambari has the following fixed issues.

HDP-M-30-U17 (20 July 2020)

Apache Jira

Internal Jira



N/A AMBARI-25333 Regenerate keytab generates empty keytab file if no file is present in cache Ambari
N/A AMBARI-25519 Ambari builds are failing with a browser error Ambari

HDP-M-30-U16 (1 June 2020)

Apache Jira

Internal Jira



N/A AMBARI-1341 Security fix - DB connection details in API calls Ambari
N/A AMBARI-25265 Upgrade AngularJS to v1.7.5 in ambari-admin user interface Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1344 Insecure Transport fix: Weak SSL Cipher and weak protocol. TLS 1.0 is disabled Ambari
N/A AMBARI-25390 Disable indexing in /resources endpoint and sub-directories Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1331 Hide SQL timeline server password that was displayed in the REST API response Ambari/YARN Timeline Service
N/A HIVE-1222 Ambari HIVE View vulnerability - SQL injection (in metastore, we no longer store names of inputformat/outputformat/serde for non-native tables) Ambari/Hive

HDP-M-30-U15 (3 April 2020)

Apache Jira

Internal Jira



AMBARI-25391 AMBARI-1339 Backport Grafana Password in multiple places in conf and log files Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1336 Use a blueprint to change the default passwords of ranger accounts. Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1331 Hide SQL timeline server password YARN

HDP-M-30-U14 (12 December 2019)

Apache Jira

Internal Jira



AMBARI-25391 BUG-122204 Ambari logging Grafana Password in ActionQueue.py - U-line Ambari
AMBARI-22594 AMBARI-1302 Add Apache Ambari-22594: Livy server start fails during EU with 'Address already in use' error Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1301 Ambari agent failing to send hearbeat for more than 3 minutes Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1296 Ambari logging Grafana Password in ActionQueue.py Cmd Log Ambari
AMBARI-24670 AMBARI-1288 Directory creation should be atomic Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1264 Scale down should have an eventual consistency model in Ambari Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1239 Include/Exclude file update during host decommissioning is not batched Ambari

HDP-M-30-U13 (25 October 2019)

Apache Jira

HWX Jira



AMBARI-23900 AMBARI-1277 Heatmap data issues Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1273 Null user info in ambari-audit.log Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1269 Namenode HA Health Alert after Upgrading to HDP- Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1264 Scale down should have an eventual consistency model in Ambari. Sometimes, there are failures in stopping all the components and the delete request eventually fails with Ambari error The following host components are still running/not stopped Ambari

HDP-M-30-U12 (20 August 2019)

Apache Jira

HWX Jira



AMBARI-25335 BUG-70903 Reduce cluster creation request processing time. Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1261 Moving from NTP to Chrony has issues due to NTP dependency in recommended packages of Hive and Hadoop. Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1129 Not able to turn off maintenance mode for a host. Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1272 ABFS short-term fix to Create Hive tables. WASB
N/A AMBARI-1240 Initial configuration of services during cluster creation request processing is sequential. N/A
N/A BUG-120888 Not able to turn off maintenance mode for a host. N/A
N/A BUG-119131 Upgrade ambari com.google.guava:guava 24.1.1 N/A

HDP-M-30-U11 (4 June 2019)

Apache JIRA

HWX Jira

Summary Components
N/A BUG-119945 Move Ambari from using jackson-databind-asl and jackson-core-asl (v1) to latest jackson v2 Ambari
N/A BUG-119756 Backport: "BUG-102332 Some package scripts uses subprocess instead of subprocess32" to branch AMBARI- Ambari
N/A BUG-119695 Backport: "BUG-86299 Autofix or provide steps to fix topology request hierarchy consistency issue" to branch AMBARI- Ambari
N/A BUG-119725 Backport AMBARI-23604 to branch AMBARI- Ambari
N/A BUG-119691 Backport AMBARI-22597 to branch AMBARI- Ambari
N/A BUG-119694 Port BUG-94612 to the U11 and branch-2.6 Ambari
N/A BUG-119709 Backport BUG-81166 to HDP-M-30-U11 branch Ambari
N/A BUG-119127 Upgrade bouncycastle libraries to 1.61 - ambari Ambari
AMBARI-25246 BUG-119506 Add module based dependency with custom version for the excluded transitiend modules Ambari
AMBARI-25243 BUG-119507 Tez/MapReduce service check fails with ClassNotFoundException LzoCodec during host ordered upgrade Tez, MapReduce
AMBARI-25236 BUG-119398 Host Ordered Upgrade: Pre Upgrade check of fs.defaultFS fails for ABFS Ambari
AMBARI-25235 BUG-119395 Add a sysprep configurations to run conf-selects only a single time Ambari
AMBARI-25217 BUG-119130 Upgrade commons-codec:commons-codec to 1.12 Ambari
AMBARI-25216 BUG-119128 Upgrade com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core 2.9.8 - ambari Ambari
N/A BUG-118225 Upgrade jackson-databind to version 2.9.8 Ambari
N/A BUG-118260 Security issue: User can open any wizard by direct link Ambari
AMBARI-25207 BUG-118937 The Ubuntu repository id for the cached apt package list is generated wrong in case if were used URL with https protocol Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1238 HBase Service check fails during upgrade HBase
N/A AMBARI-1232 Restart HDFS Client fails on disabling sysprep flags HDFS
N/A AMBARI-1231 Zeppelin Service Check fails after upgrade Zeppelin
AMBARI-25253 AMBARI-1227 Missed support for ABFS protocol ABFS
N/A AMBARI-1226 Image generation fails for HDInsight U11 Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1224 Service checks mentioned in the upgrade plan are run on the same node that was upgraded Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1222 Host Ordered Upgrade: ATS goes down after the upgrade Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1221 Host Ordered Upgrade: Pre-upgrade check of fs.defaultFS fails for ABFS ABFS
N/A AMBARI-1220 Host Ordered Upgrades: hadoop-lzo packages are not present in /usr/hdp/ Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1218 Add a sysprep configurations to run conf-selects only a single time Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1215 Restart of MapReduce2 on ZooKeeper node fails during HBase upgrade ZooKeeper, MapReduce, HBase
N/A AMBARI-1212 Ambari Component installations are done serially; lot of unnecessary dry-runs seen with Component installations Ambari
N/A AMBARI-1211 Install HDP packages are failing Ambari

HDP-M-30-U10 (6 March 2019)

Apache Jira

HWX Jira



N/A BUG-118260 Security issue: User can open any wizard by direct link N/A
AMBARI-23935 BUG-117525 Backport of AMBARI-23935 on on Ambari 2.6.2.x maint for U10 (HDP-M-30-U10) N/A

HDP-M-30-U9 (5 February 2019)

Apache Jira

HWX Jira



N/A AMBARI-1185 Ambari agent high CPU utilization due to string formatting for debug N/A
N/A AMBARI-1186 Service components in maintenance mode are stuck in 'INSTALLATION PENDING' state for scaled up hosts N/A
N/A AMBARI-1149 Getting error : "Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)." while trying to restart services in ADLS Secure cluster N/A
N/A AMBARI-1192 Ambari Metrics collector down N/A

HDP-M-30-U8 (7 December 2018)

Apache Jira

HWX Jira



N/A AMBARI-1068 Permission error while creating or uploading table in Hive View Hive

HDP-M-30-U7 (12 October 2018)

There are no fixed issues in this release.

HDP-M-30-U6 (26 September 2018)

Apache Jira

HWX Jira



AMBARI-24366 AMBARI-1105 Honor zeppelin.livy.url setting as an interpreter setting if specified Zeppelin, Livy
AMBARI-24365 AMBARI-1104 Add livy-client.conf setting to Ambari spark stack Livy
AMBARI-24509 BUG-109732 Security vulnerabilities with Hive view (XSS) Hive
N/A HOTFIX-1837 Build & Release Ambari 2.6.2.x-y for Microsoft Azure HDInsight (HDP-M-30-U6)
N/A BUG-111144 Slider view compilation failure Slider
N/A BUG-110194 Spark Thrift Server shows Ambari alerts Spark
N/A BUG-109893 Spark thrift server creates tables for new DBs under file:/ local path instead of defaultFS. Add `spark.sql.warehouse.dir` to `spark-defaults.conf` and `spark-thrift-sparkconf.conf` Spark

HDP-M-30-U5 (17 August 2018)

Apache Jira

HWX Jira



N/A AMBARI-1067 Hive and Spark services should be marked for restart on changes to core-site Hive, Spark

HDI-2018-07 (6 August 2018)

Apache Jira

HWX Jira




BUG-107743 YARN cluster memory graph is not loading in Ambari 2.6 YARN


BUG-107744 yarn.timeline-service property enabled overriding preset secure blueprint config for the same YARN