Apache Ambari Release Notes for HDInsight
Also available as:

Fixed Issues

Fixed issues represents selected issues that were previously logged via Hortonworks Support, but are now addressed in the current release. These issues may have been reported in previous versions within the Known Issues section; meaning they were reported by customers or identified by Hortonworks Quality Engineering team.


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-109907 AMBARI-24542 Rename LDAP configuration ambari.ldap.advance.collision_behavior


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-107090 AMBARI-24593 Download client config fails if user running Ambari server has UID>2097151
BUG-109839 AMBARI-24536 Ambari SPNEGO breaks SSO redirect
BUG-109960 AMBARI-24546 Protect the Request resource so that only authorized users may have read-only access the data
BUG-110181 AMBARI-24562 Protect the ClusterConfig resource so that only authorized users may have read-only access the data
BUG-110695 AMBARI-24616 Disable Kerberos from Ambari UI didn't clean up keytab directories
BUG-111350 AMBARI-24757 Grafana start failing on U14 fails with error "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2'"
BUG-111644 AMBARI-24690 Ambari-server setup-ldap throws an error when the OU has spaces
BUG-87895 AMBARI-22863 Hive should handle a customized Zookeeper service principal name
BUG-87896 AMBARI-24576 Ambari Metrics should handle a customized Zookeeper service principal name
BUG-87901 AMBARI-24565 HDFS should handle a customized Zookeeper service principal name
BUG-87902 AMBARI-24564 Zookeeper should handle a customized Zookeeper service principal name


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-109836 AMBARI-24535 File View not accessible in Ambari 2.7 after enabling 3 namenodes in HDP 3.0
BUG-110504 AMBARI-24596 Stack Advisor reported an error. Exit Code: 2. Error: KeyError: 'onefs'
BUG-110804 AMBARI-24641 Stackadvisor error while trying to add atlas service. Error - "if mountPoints[mountPoint] < reqiuredDiskSpace: KeyError: None"
BUG-110964 AMBARI-24637 Ambari metrics service check failed during UI deploy
BUG-111145 AMBARI-24669 Ambari Metrics collector stuck at stopping status; unable to perform any other operation on it.
BUG-111507 AMBARI-24679 Fix race condition in agent during registration and topology updates.


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-109917 AMBARI-24540 Allow skipping Oozie DB schema creation for sysprepped cluster
BUG-110166 AMBARI-24548 Allow skipping Hive Metastore schema creation for sysprepped cluster
BUG-111556 AMBARI-24681 Cannot deploy cluster without HDFS_CLIENT


Hortonworks Bug ID Apache JIRA Summary
BUG-110638 AMBARI-24605 ambari-server exception if any user with cluster operator role is trying to edit the widget.
BUG-111968 AMBARI-24781 Ambari setup-ldap doesn't persist settings
BUG-112913 AMBARI-24815 Add column to show which service recommended changes during upgrade refer to
BUG-113683 AMBARI-24852 NPE in default host group replacement