Release Notes
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Fixed Issues

The following issued have been fixed in SmartSense 1.4.5:

Table 1.3. 

HWX Jira


ST-3855Multiple capture reports fail.
ST-3865Recs getLatest does not capture recommendationsFreshness.
ST-3755Disable resource intensive Tez analyzers.
ST-3808Include missing Kafka logs in a captured bundle.
ST-3853JavaVersionReport report fails.
ST-3628JobHistoryServer name in the bundle captured for YARN service is incorrect.
ST-3735Date/time in bundle key and date/time in metadata do not match.
ST-3310The initialization of the capture operation times out.
ST-3845Smartsense troubleshooting bundle for AMS does not include /etc/ams-hbase.
ST-3148If crontab contains variables, hst refresh-schedule fails with parse error.
ST-3680If the fs.defaultFS has "hdfs" in the value, then the namenode URL is incorrect.
ST-3842ACTIVITY.JOB table where the table is not getting updated wihtout SmartSense service restart.
ST-3666Remove redundant commands from the HST script in order to remove the misleading error that is written to the hst-agent logs after the capture is successful.
ST-3622After upgrading Smartsense from 1.4.0 to 1.4.3, bundle capture fails due to nodes with uppercase FQDN hostnames.
ST-3432Include SmartSense truststore in the upgrade process to avoid re-importing custom certificates manually.
ST-3468Activity Analyzer is unable to detect an active NameNode.
ST-3392Applied recommendations remain in the recommendation list if they are applied and the modal is dismissed without selecting to provide feedback later.
ST-3305Inconsistent service naming for AMS/Ambari Metrics.
ST-3226HST server wrongly identifies HiveServer component host when HiveServer2 Interactive is enabled.
ST-3861Remove unnecessary comments from crontab for Debian 7.
ST-3877"Jobs Creating Many HDFS Files" on the HDFS dashboard is always empty.