Creating your first Flow Management cluster
You can create a managed and secured Flow Management cluster in a CDP Public Cloud
environment by using one of the prescriptive flow management cluster definitions and following
these steps.
Checking prerequisites Before you start creating your Flow Management Data Hub Cluster, you need to ensure that you have set up the environment properly and have all the necessary accesses to use CDP Public Cloud. Use this checklist to check that you meet all the requirements before you start creating the cluster. If you need more information about CDP basics, see Getting started as a user .Create your cluster Once you have met the prerequisites, you are ready to create your Flow Management cluster in CDP Public Cloud using a default cluster definition. For this, you must select the cluster definition that matches your cloud provider for the environment and further choose from the light and heavy duty options available.Give users access to your cluster As an EnvironmentAdmin , you need provide the users access to your environment and to the new Flow Management cluster by assigning user roles and adding users to Ranger policies.