Cumulative hotfix CDP PvC Base (Cumulative hotfix15)

Know more about the cumulative hotfix 15 for 7.1.8. This cumulative hotfix was released on October 2, 2023.

Following are the list of fixes that were shipped for CDP Private Cloud Base version 7.1.8-1.cdh7.1.8.p48.45613299:

  • KT-7472: 7.1.8.x - Keytrustee-keyhsm - Upgrade Spring Framework to 5.3.27/6.0.8 due to CVE-2023-20861, CVE-2023-20860 and CVE-2023-20863
  • CDPD-61432: Bump jackson-mapper-asl to 1.9.13-cloudera.4 version
  • CDPD-61323: Backport HIVE-25918 to CDH-7.1.8.x
  • CDPD-61316: Backport CDPD-61018 to 718 CHF and 719 CHF
  • CDPD-61231: Backport IMPALA-11489 to CDH-7.1.8 CHF15
  • CDPD-61224: Backport CDPD-61098 to 717 SP2 CHF and 718 CHF
  • CDPD-61222: Backport HIVE-27303 to CDH-7.1.8.x
  • CDPD-61188: Hue build failed because of latest virtualenv version
  • CDPD-61170: [7.1.x] - Improve ExportCSV download time
  • CDPD-61145: Backport CDPD-57831 to 718 CHF
  • CDPD-61102: Backport HIVE-22961 to CDH-7.1.8.x
  • CDPD-61046: Bump NodeJS version to 20.5.1 due to multiple CVEs
  • CDPD-61032: Backport HIVE-27632 to CDH-7.1.8.x
  • CDPD-61000: Backport HIVE-25576 to 7.1.8.x
  • CDPD-60980: NoClassDefFoundError: jodd/time/JulianDate in Oozie-Sqoop system tests
  • CDPD-60918: 7.1.8.x snapshot builds for SMM UI failing due to nodejs version bump up
  • CDPD-60871: [UnitTest] testQueueSizeAfterNormalSubmission fails with 'Too few elements in the queue'
  • CDPD-60721: Backport HIVE-27586 to 7.1.8.x
  • CDPD-60687: [7.1.x] Ranger - Upgrade Spring Security to 5.7.10/5.8.5/6.0.5/6.1.2 due to CVE-2023-34034 and CVE-2023-34035
  • CDPD-60369: Backport HIVE-27304: Exclude CTAS condition while forming storage handler url permissions in HS2 authorizer
  • CDPD-60338: HIVE-27669: [HiveAcidReplication] Hive Acid CTAS fails incremental if no of rows inserted is > INT_MAX
  • CDPD-60267: Backport HIVE-27595 to CDP
  • CDPD-59620: Ranger - Upgrade Okio to 3.4.0 due to CVE-2023-3635
  • CDPD-59480: [UnitTest] testQueueSizeWithDelayedElements Oozie unit test fails intermittently with AssertionFailedError
  • CDPD-59379: Backport CDPD-58191 to 7.1.x CHFs
  • CDPD-59348: Logging is broken for Ranger plugin in SchemaRegistry
  • CDPD-59293: Backport CDPD-58198 to 7.1.x CHFs and CDS 3.x CHFs
  • CDPD-58864: backport CDPD-58321 - Got access denied when downloading Zeppelin tutorial bank.csv
  • CDPD-58770: Security - The config API endpoint returns the keyStorePassword
  • CDPD-58576: Kafka Connect Ext - Upgrade Guava to 32.0.1 due to CVE-2023-2976
  • CDPD-58533: Kafka - Upgrade snappy-java to due to CVE-2023-34453, CVE-2023-34454 and CVE-2023-34455
  • CDPD-58498: Kafka Connect Ext - Upgrade Netty Project to 4.1.94.Final due CVE-2023-34462
  • CDPD-58495: Ozone - Upgrade Netty Project to 4.1.94.Final due CVE-2023-34462
  • CDPD-58494: Kafka - Upgrade Netty Project to 4.1.94.Final due CVE-2023-34462
  • CDPD-58273: Backport SPARK-43470 to 7.1.x CHFs
  • CDPD-57708: [AUTOSYNC] Bump Guava to 32.0.0-jre
  • CDPD-57125: HIVE-21213: Acid table bootstrap replication needs to handle directory created by compaction with txn id
  • CDPD-35383: Add entry in replication_metrics table for skipped/failed replication.
  • CDPD-28375: IMPALA-10829 Memory leak while inserting kudu with rand()
  • CDPD-8443: RemoteException when moving a file from scratchdir to a directory in encryption zone
  • TSB 2023-703: Risk of Data Loss when using Hue S3 File Browser
Table 1. Cloudera Runtime (Cumulative Hotfix 15) download URL:
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