Cumulative hotfix CDP PvC Base (Cumulative hotfix17)

Know more about the cumulative hotfix 17 for 7.1.8. This cumulative hotfix was released on November 23, 2023.

Following are the list of fixes that were shipped for CDP Private Cloud Base version 7.1.8-1.cdh7.1.8.p51.47413505

  • KT-7496: Gerrit PR is breaking with pre-commit build for KeyTrustee Keyprovider repo
  • CDPD-63823: kudu: Analyse compatibility report generated - between 7.1.8 CHF16 and CHF17
  • CDPD-63650: Fail early when encryption-at-rest init fails
  • CDPD-63646: Fix file descriptor leak when encryption-at-rest is enabled
  • CDPD-63574: disableLoadBalancingForUserAgents cannot be set
  • CDPD-63521: Atlas - Upgrade Spring Security to 5.7.10/5.8.5/6.0.5/6.1.2 due to CVE-2023-34034 and CVE-2023-34035
  • CDPD-63507: Backport IMPALA-11068 to 7.1.8 CHF
  • CDPD-63506: Backport IMPALA-12499 to 7.1.8 CHF
  • CDPD-63388: Back-port fix for KUDU-3476 into upcoming 7.1.8 CHF release
  • CDPD-63347: Backport CDPD-60975 to 7.1.8 CHFx , 7.1.9 CHFx
  • CDPD-63323: Dev work for CFM-3451 - Kafka Connect: check if all the necessary nars have been fully unpacked before starting a connector as scope of HOTFIX-5811 - 7.1.8 CHF 17 Release
  • CDPD-63322: Backport HBASE-25643 to 7.1.8 CHF17
  • CDPD-63309: [UnitTest] testMaterializationLookup failure: timestamp mismatch
  • CDPD-63306: Zeppelin - Upgrade netty to 4.1.100.Final due to CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-63301: SRM - Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.53/10.0.17/11.0.17 due to CVE-2023-40167, CVE-2023-36479, CVE-2023-41900, CVE-2023-36478 and CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-63288: Schema Registry - Upgrade jose4j to 0.9.3 due to CVE-2023-31582
  • CDPD-63180: Solr server unable to start after jetty upgrade to 9.4.53
  • CDPD-63123: Sqoop build is taking 6 hours to complete
  • CDPD-63057: Cruise Control - Upgrade netty to 4.1.100.Final due to CVE-2023-44487, CVE-2023-34462
  • CDPD-63037: Backport CDPD-62057 to 7.1.8 CHF17
  • CDPD-62982: [7.1.x] Ranger - Upgrade Json-Java to 20231013 due to CVE-2023-5072
  • CDPD-62976: Repetitive non-idempotent requests from Knox to Oozie causing Oozie system test failures - 7.1.8 CHFx
  • CDPD-62927: Schemaregistry - Upgrade JSON-Java to 20231013 due to CVE-2023-5072
  • CDPD-62841: SRM - Upgrade Armeria to 1.26.0 due to CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-62789: Atlas [7.1.8 CHFx] - Upgrade netty to 4.1.100.Final due to CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-62723: HSTS header missing from unsecured API in Ranger Admin
  • CDPD-62666: Ignore used undeclared jetty dependency in phoenix-connectors
  • CDPD-62607: [7.1.8 CHFx CLONE] - Upgrade Tomcat to 8.5.94+ (for CVE fixes) in all Ranger services
  • CDPD-62591: Hue - Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.81 due to CVE-2023-41080 and CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-62508: CDPD - Upgrade netty to 4.1.100.Final due to CVE-2023-44487 and CVE-2023-34462
  • CDPD-62504: Ratis thirdparty - Upgrade netty to 4.1.100.Final due to CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-62503: Ozone - Upgrade netty to 4.1.100.Final due to CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-62502: Ranger - Upgrade netty to 4.1.100.Final due to CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-62173: Merge HIVE-24530 on all CDP-PvC 7.1.[7-9] CHFx versions
  • CDPD-62127: CDPD - Upgrade snappy-java to due to CVE-2023-43642
  • CDPD-62063: Backport HIVE-27728 to CDP.
  • CDPD-61741: Backport HIVE-22613 to CDP.
  • CDPD-61606: Potential dataloss from quick navigation during move op for S3 in Hue
  • CDPD-61577: CDPD - Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.53/10.0.17/11.0.17 due to CVE-2023-40167, CVE-2023-36479, CVE-2023-41900, CVE-2023-26048, CVE-2023-26049, CVE-2023-36478 and CVE-2023-44487
  • CDPD-59792: Fix of Backbone JS for Ranger UI on CDP 7.1.8 CHF
  • CDPD-58268: [7.1.8 CHFx] - Ranger Access Audit doesn't show callerContext in the audit as hover over button for HDFS audits
  • CDPD-57269: HADOOP-18763. Upgrade aws-java-sdk to 1.12.367
  • CDPD-56816: Multiple CVE follow-up for SMM
  • CDPD-55460: Impala - Upgrade Spring Framework to 5.3.27/6.0.8 due to CVE-2023-20863
  • CDPD-45383: Livy - Upgrade snakeyaml to 1.33 due to high CVEs
  • CDPD-41666: When Impala editor is not available then Hue importer fails
Table 1. Cloudera Runtime (Cumulative Hotfix 17) download URL:
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