Cumulative hotfix CDP Private Cloud Base (Cumulative hotfix25)

Know more about the cumulative hotfix 25 for CDP 7.1.8. This cumulative hotfix was released on July 1, 2024.

Following are the list of fixes that were shipped for CDP Private Cloud Base version 7.1.8-1.cdh7.1.8.p64.54713997.

CDPD-71356: Temporarily disable the Tasks tab on the Entity Detail page
In the Entity Detail page, the API of the Tasks tab now displays information depending on the server side property This property was set to false previously.
CDPD-70842: Backport IMPALA-13102 to 7.1.8 CHF to fix table loading failures with invalid statistics
Impala did not load tables with invalid statistics. This issue is now resolved.
CDPD-70293: Impala executor crashes when it is restarted
Impala executor stopped responding whenever it was restarted. This occurred when extra loads were added to the Impala cluster. This issue is now resolved.
CDPD-70103: Backport the fix for the "TestLdapGroupsMapping failing -string mismatch in exception validation" issue to CDH-7.1.8.x
The command TestLdapGroupsMapping failed due to mismatch in the exception strings breaking the validation code. This issue is now resolved.
CDPD-70019: Add a shell script to run authorization-related tests
A shell script is now added to allow users to run authorization-related tests against specified Impala and Ranger patches.
CDPD-70002: Ranger RMS gives all permissions to the user through the Create permission
An additional check is now performed to ensure that the user attempting to alter a HDFS directory that maps to the Hive database is the owner of the Hive database for the attempted operation.
CDPD-69948: Backport "LdapGroupsMapping$LdapSslSocketFactory ClassNotFoundException" to 7.1.8.x
When using the LdapGroupsMapping group mapping mechanism along with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) enabled, it led to the ClassNotFoundException error when called through native threads. This issue is now resolved.
CDPD-69794: Backport ZOOKEEPER-3331, where the IP ACL is not working with NettyServerCnxnFactory, to ZooKeeper 3.5.x versions
The IP Access Control List (ACL) method did not work when Transport Layer Security (TLS) was enabled on the cluster and the HBase and YARN services failed to start due to NoAuth exception. This issue is now resolved.
CDPD-69743: Backport IMPALA-11901 to CDP 7.1.8 CHF, where COPY TESTCASE is broken in LocalCatalog mode
The COPY TESTCASE FROM/TO was not supported in LocalCatalog mode. This is now fixed and the COPY TESTCASE is now supported in the LocalCatalog mode.
CDPD-69608: Ranger Tagsync has a Out of Memory issue
An issue caused Ranger Tagsync to run out of memory. This issue is now resolved.
CDPD-69607: Fix for "CDPD-67823 - Ranger RMS gives all permissions to the user through the Create permission" issue may cause NPE

Ranger RMS gave all permissions to the user through the Create permission. This caused an Null Point Exception (NPE) if the ownerUser value for Hive entities in the resource-mappings was not populated. This issue is now resolved.

CDPD-68793: Hadoop - Upgrade Kafka Clients due to CVEs
Upgraded Kafka clients due to CVE-2023-25194, CVE-2021-38153 and CVE-2018-17196.
CDPD-64420: IMPALA-12602 Timed out queries are not unregistered until session is closed
Queries halted by the idle_query_timeout and QUERY_TIMEOUT_S are now closed rather than being left Waiting for Client. Error details are retrieved as part of the session that initiated the query.

There are no Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) fixed in this release.

Table 1. Cloudera Runtime (Cumulative Hotfix 25) download URL:
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