Prerequisites for using FIPS
This page provides comprehensive information regarding prerequisites that you must be aware of while using FIPS for CDP.
About CDP with FIPS
Creating a new, fresh cluster is the only way to enable or disable FIPS.
Known Issues
Unsupported Features
Upgrades are not currently supported to or from CDP with FIPS.
Replication is not currently supported.
- MRIT localfs is not supported in FIPS environments where SHA2 compatibility is required.
- If you are upgrading to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.8 from 7.1.7 SP1 + FIPS, the
package manager enabled version does not support FIPS and many Runtime
components may not start. To overcome this scenario, you must revert back to
the original SafeLogic
System Requirements
- Operating system: RHEL/Centos 7.9 or RHEL 8.8. For more information, see Operating system requirements
- Java: OpenJDK 8 / Oracle JDK 8 in any CDP 7.1.9 and CM 7.11.3 version, or OpenJDK 11 / Oracle JDK 11 starting in CDP 7.1.9 CHF 3 and CM 7.11.3 CHF 3 versions and higher, as designated with p3 or .3 suffixes. For more information, see Java requirements
- Support for FIPS + OpenJDK 17 (From Cloudera Runtime 7.1.9 SP1 release onwards).
- OpenJDK versions: For FIPS minimum required / latest version tested is 1.8u231.
- Install and configure a database. See Step 3. Install and Configure Databases
Supported CDP Versions
Cloudera Manager versions 7.2.4, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 7.6.1, 7.7.1, 7.7.3, and 7.11.3
CDP Private Cloud Base versions 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 7.1.7, 7.1.7 SP1, 7.1.7 SP2, 7.1.8, 7.1.9, and 7.1.9 SP1.
Supported CDP Components
The following components are supported in FIPS mode:
- Atlas
- Avro
- Cloudera Manager
- Cruise Control
- Hadoop
- Hadoop Credential Provider
- HBase
- Hive
- Hive-on-Tez
- Hive Meta Store
- Hive Warehouse Connector
- Hue
- Iceberg
- Impala
- Kafka
- Kerberos
- Key Trustee Server
- Knox
- Kudu
- Livy
- MapReduce
- Oozie
- Parquet
- Phoenix
- Queue Manager
- Ranger
- Ranger KMS
- Schema Registry
- Streams Messaging Manager
- Streams Replication Manager
- Solr
- Spark
- Sqoop
- Tez
- Zeppelin
- ZooKeeper
Step 1: Prepare hosts
Step 2: Install and configure the SafeLogic modules and packages for RHEL 7 OS
For RHEL 7, install and configure SafeLogic packages.
- Obtain the CryptoComply for Libgcrypt (CC for Libgcrypt) and CryptoComply for Server (CC for Server) SafeLogic modules and packages.
Copy the CryptoComply for Server (CCS) - OpenSSL RPMs to all hosts.
Copy the CryptoComply for Libgcrypt RPMs to all hosts.
Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager server
Step 4: Validate the CCJ and CCS installation
Run the following commands on each host to validate the CCJ and CCS installation.