What's New in Apache Atlas

Learn about the new features of Apache Atlas in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.9.

Storage reduction for Atlas

Audit aging reduces the existing audit data in the Atlas system which is based on the end user criteria and configuration changes that users can manage.

For more information, see Storage reduction for Atlas.

Iceberg support for Atlas

Atlas integration with Iceberg helps you identify the Iceberg tables to scan data and provide lineage support.

For more information, see Iceberg support for Atlas.

Ability to download search results from Atlas UI

Atlas supports improved search results capabilities. For more information, see Ability to download search results.

Using Relationship search

Entities in Atlas can be searched based on the relationships that describe various metadata between a couple of entity end-points.

For more information, see Relationship search.

Log4j updates

Log4j 1.x has been migrated to reload4j.

RHEL-9.1 operating system support

Atlas is now supported on RHEL-9.1.

Support for validating the AttributeName in parent and child TypeDef

Atlas service validates the attribute names of the entity types for those attributes having identical names as their parents' attributes.

For more information, see Support for AttributeName in parent and child TypeDef.

Custom Kerberos Principal changes for Atlas

Customizing the Atlas Kerberos Principal is a two-step process. For more information, see Custom Kerberos Principal for Atlas.