CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.1-CHF1

Learn about the features, fixes, and known issues in the CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.1 Cumulative hotfix 1 release.

This cumulative hotfix was released on August 31, 2023.

What's new

The following features have been introduced in the CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.1-CHF1 hotfix release:
CDP Private Cloud Data Services is certified to work with Portworx
The CDP Private Cloud Data Services platform and data services including Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW), Cloudera Machine Learning (CML), and Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) are supported with Portworx as a storage platform on OpenShift Container Platform (OCP). For more information, see Storage classes.
Added a utility to import and export CML projects
Individual projects can now be migrated from CDSW 1.10.x to CML in both public and private clouds. For more information see Migrating Projects.

Fixed issues

The following issues were fixed in the CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.1-CHF1 hotfix release:
  • OPSX-4397: The domain name parameter from the environment service has an additional apps sub-domain
  • DSE-27535: CML will have an option to always create a job in a disable or paused state
  • DSE-16989: apiv2 - project creation in team context
  • DSE-29305: CDSW to CML migration failing in CDSW 1.10.4
  • DSE-28649: Unable to migrate jobs with Legacy Engines to MLRuntimes
  • DSE-29684: Fix race condition issue when updating user namespace in CML
  • DWX-15933: Make Atlas service as an optional dependency in CDW
  • DWX-15869: Database Catalog edit page does not load

Known issues

Following are the platform-related known issues in the CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.1-CHF1 hotfix release:
CDPVC-1137 and COMPX-15083: OpenShift Container Platform version upgrade from 4.10 to 4.11 fails due to a Pod Disruption Budget (PDB) issue
PDB can prevent a node from draining which makes the nodes to report the Ready,SchedulingDisabled state. As a result, the node is not updated to correct the Kubernetes version when you upgrade OCP from 4.10 to 4.11.
To resolve this issue, confirm that the upgrade has failed due to the PDB issue, and then manually delete the PDBs from the Private Cloud namespace.
  1. Run the following command to check whether the nodes are stuck in the Ready,SchedulingDisabled state:
    oc get nodes
  2. Get the machine config daemon details of the particular pod as follows:
    oc get po -n openshift-machine-config-operator -l 'k8s-app=machine-config-daemon' -o wide
  3. Check the logs of the machine config operator of that particular node as follows:
    oc logs -f -n openshift-machine-config-operator [***MACHINE-CONFIG-DAEMON-NAME***] -c machine-config-daemon

    Replace [***MACHINE-CONFIG-DAEMON-NAME***] with the actual machine config daemon name.

    You may see one of the following errors in the node logs:
    • error when evicting pods/cdp-release-cpx-liftie-****" -n "[***PRIVATE-CLOUD-NAMESPACE***] Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget
    • error when evicting pods/"cdp-release-cluster-proxy-[******]" -n "[***PRIVATE-CLOUD-NAMESPACE***] Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget
    Delete the PDB from the Private Cloud namespace as follows:
    1. Obtain the PDB for the cdp-release-cluster-proxy namespace:
      oc get pdb -n [***PRIVATE-CLOUD-NAMESPACE***] | grep cdp-release-cluster-proxy
    2. Back up the PDB:
      oc get pdb [***PDB-NAME-OF-CLUSTER-PROXY***] -n [***PRIVATE-CLOUD-NAMESPACE***] -o yaml >> [***BACKUP-FILE-NAME***].yaml
    3. Delete the PDB:
      oc delete pdb [***PDB-NAME-OF-CLUSTER-PROXY***] -n [***PRIVATE-CLOUD-NAMESPACE***]

    Repeat the steps to delete the cdp-release-cpx-liftie PDB as well.

Repository locations

The URLs for CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.1-CHF1 are listed in the following table:

URL Type Repository Location
Manifest Repository:
Parcels Repository: