Migrating data from CDH to Cloudera How to migrate data from CDH to Cloudera. Migrating HDFS and Hive data from CDH to ClouderaAn overview of the migration process from CDH to Cloudera prepares you to migrate HDFS and Hive data to the AWS S3 endpoint.Migrating HDFS native permissions to ClouderaIf you have HDFS native permissions in your CDH or HDP clusters, you learn how to convert the native permissions into Ranger policy format and import the policies to Cloudera. You can choose to ignore this migration process if you do not have any HDFS native native permissions.Migrating workflows directly created in Oozie to ClouderaThe oozie workflows present on HDFS must be migrated to Cloudera.Migrating Sentry policies from CDH to ClouderaIn the CDH environment consisting of Sentry policies, permissions need to be migrated from Sentry to Ranger. This migration process is supported by the Authzmigrator tool.