Cloudera Migration Assistant Overview

Cloudera Migration Assistant (CMA) is a user interface based extensible tool to assist Hadoop (CDH) users to easily migrate data, metadata and certain workloads to the various form factors of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP).

Supported Public Cloud migration paths

Cloudera Migration Assistant (CMA) (previously AM2CM) can be used to migrate from the legacy CDH platforms to CDP Public Cloud. The supported migration paths vary based on the CMA version.

CMA version Migration paths Cloud provider Workloads Data
CMA 3.3

CDH 5.1.x → CDP Public Cloud 7.2.x

CDH 6.3.x → CDP Public Cloud 7.2.x

CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7→ CDP Public Cloud 7.2.x

AWS, Azure SQL


HDFS files

HMS tables

HBase tables

CMA 3.2

CDH 5.1.x → CDP Public Cloud 7.2.x

CDH 6.3.x → CDP Public Cloud 7.2.x



Oozie (Hive action)

HDFS files

HMS tables

HBase tables

CMA 3.0

CDH 5.1.x → CDP Public Cloud 7.2.x

CDH 6.3.x → CDP Public Cloud 7.2.x


HDFS files

HMS tables

CMA 2.8 CDH 6.3.x → CDP Public Cloud 7.2.17 (Technical Preview) AWS SQL

HDFS files

HMS tables

Release Notes

Learn about the known issues, and fixed issues and behavioral changes in Cloudera Migration Assistant (CMA).


What's new
  • Parcel deployment - available as Technical Preview

    The parcel deployment enables you to install CMA as a service in Cloudera Manager.

Fixed issues
  • AMCM-2273 CMA doesn't handle long clusternames
  • AMCM-2233 Create a field to manage the number of Ansible forks
  • AMCM-2232 Fix user settings validation on target registration when changing clusters
  • AMCM-2218 Replace Browser icon (Favico) to CMA icon small version
  • AMCM-2067 Obtain Hive HMS DB Password from User Directly
  • Pre-checks on CMA Server Start:
    • AMCM-2188 Checking if Java11 and JAVA_HOME exists
    • AMCM-2188 Checking Java before starting the server
    • AMCM-2186 Checking Python version


What's new
  • AMCM-1764 Azure Support
  • AMCM-1418 CDP PvC Base to Public Cloud Migration (without security metadata migration)
  • AMCM-1361 Oozie Migration with Map-Reduce action and genric support for all other action types
  • AMCM-1765 CMA Landing Page
  • AMCM-1878 Side-bar Redesign
  • AMCM-2135 One-time HBase Migration without Replication Manager
You need to manually migrate Ranger policies from CDP Private Cloud Base to CDP Public Cloud as described in Migrating from source cluster to destination cluster.


Fixed Issues
  • AMCM-1879 Missing airgapped for localhost (#1696)
  • AMCM-1908 Hive SQL Export button does not work (#1693)
  • AMCM-1906 Fix Broken background color (#1691)
  • AMCM-1888 Show Refresh option of scanned data tables as in UI design - rebase fix (#1686)
  • AMCM-1880 ps is missing from the rhel8 docker image (#1659) (#1685)
  • AMCM-1902 Make navigation panel not scrollable (#1679) (#1684)
  • AMCM-1872 Filtered scan results are reset after switch to another page (#1655) (#1678)
  • AMCM-1830 discovery_bundle_builder fails if no mysql-connector-java.jar is found (#1682)
  • AMCM-1892 L&S Data migration RM policy should have default value for frequencyInSec (#1681) (#1683)
  • AMCM-1888 Show Refresh option of scanned data tables as in UI design (#1666) (#1670)
  • AMCM-1887 Fix Mapping discrepancies (#1662) (#1671)
  • AMCM-1891 Change API info (#1668) (#1675)
  • AMCM-1867 Set step status before perform (#1667) (#1674)
  • AMCM-1820 Toast message appears unexpectedly (#1663) (#1669)
  • AMCM-1871 Fix wrong position of collection component (#1643) (#1672)
Known Issues
AMCM-1860 Airgapped download
The following files needs to be downloaded and copied manually before any --airgapped install.
    • atlas-migration-exporter-
    • jdbc-drivers/
      • mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar
      • ojdbc8.jar
      • postgresql-42.3.4.jar
Only add the JDBC driver your cluster uses.
Behavioral Changes
  • /info endpoint API response changed to correctly return the product name (AMCM-1891)
Fixed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Learn more about the Common vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) that were fixed in this release.
  • CVE-2024-1597: org.postgresql:postgresql vulnerable to SQL Injection via line comment generation - AMCM-1910
  • /info endpoint API response changed to correctly return the product name (AMCM-1891)


Known Issues
HBase migration from CDH needs extra parcels Installed
In order to use CMA for you need obtain the following parcels from Cloudera Support :

These along with their hash files need to be copied to parcels directory in CMA root directory