Installing Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator (internet)
You can install Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator after meeting all prerequisites and installing dependencies, either using the cfmctl CLI tool or Helm.
Ensure that your Kubernetes environment meets requirements listed in System requirements.
Your Kubernetes cluster requires internet connectivity to complete these steps. It must be able to reach the Cloudera Docker registry.
Ensure that you have access to your Cloudera credentials (username and password). Credentials are required to access the Cloudera Archive and Cloudera Docker registry where installation artifacts are hosted.
Ensure that you have access to a valid Cloudera license.
- Review the Helm chart reference before
The Helm chart accepts various configuration properties that you can set during installation. Using these properties you can customize your installation.
Install cert-manager.
Follow the instructions for installing the cert-manager Operator for RedHat OpenShift.
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \ --version [***CERT MANAGER VERSION***]\ --namespace cert-manager \ --create-namespace \ --set installCRDs=true
Replace ***CERT MANAGER VERSION***] with the certificate manager version you want to install.
Create a namespace for the Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator if it does not already exist.
Replace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] with the desired namespace for Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator.kubectl create namespace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***]
For example:
$ kubectl create namespace cfm-operator-system
Create a Kubernetes secret containing your
Cloudera credentials.
kubectl create secret docker-registry [***SECRET NAME***] \ --namespace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] \ --docker-server \ --docker-username [***USERNAME***] \ --docker-password [***PASSWORD***]
- [***SECRET NAME***] with the desired Kubernetes secret name.
[***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] with the Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator installation namespace.
[***USERNAME***] and [***PASSWORD***] with your internal registry credentials.
- Optional:
Install the cfmctl CLI tool. While installing the tool is not strictly
required for the operation of Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator, it
makes performing common tasks more convenient. The examples in this
documentation make heavy use of the cfmctl CLI tool.
The cfmctl tool allows you to:
Manage your environment
Check the current state and existence of prerequisites in an environment
Install and uninstall the operator
Quickstart install NiFi clusters
Perform common configuration tasks using flags, with the ability to provide a helmvalues.yaml file
Install using default image location without the need to provide it manually
- Copy the CLI tool version appropriate for your environment to the Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator installation directory and run it.
Make the tool executable.
Replace [***CFMCTL FILE***] with the name of the executable file that you have downloaded.chmod +x [***CFMCTL FILE***]
Install Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator.
Install Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator using the cfmctl install command:
./cfmctl install --license [***LICENSE***] \ --image-repository "[***IMAGE REPOSITORY***]" \ --image-tag "[***OPERATOR VERSION***]" \ –values [***VALUES.YAML***] \ --namespace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***]
[***LICENSE***] with the license file. This flag is mandatory.
[***IMAGE REPOSITORY***] Defaults to “” unless a Helm values.yaml is provided. This flag is optional.
[***OPERATOR VERSION***] Defaults to “latest” unless a Helm values.yaml is provided. This flag is optional.
[***VALUES.YAML***] with a Helm values.yaml file to supply any variables to the underlying Helm chart that is not available through cfmctl command flags. This flag is optional.
[***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] with the desired operator installation namespace. Defaults to "
This command installs the CustomResourceDefinitions and Helm chart for the operator, and starts the operator.
$ ./cfmctl install --license ./license.txt --image-repository "" --image-tag "2.8.0-b94" 2024-06-11T21:22:19.678+0200 INFO cli.install cmd/install.go:90 installing chart {"namespace": "cfm-operator-system"} 2024-06-11T21:22:23.820+0200 INFO cli.install.helmclient cmd/install.go:162 creating 1 resource(s) 2024-06-11T21:22:24.601+0200 INFO cli.install.helmclient cmd/install.go:162 creating 18 resource(s) 2024-06-11T21:22:26.063+0200 INFO cli.install.helmclient cmd/install.go:162 beginning wait for 18 resources with timeout of 10m0s 2024-06-11T21:22:26.697+0200 INFO cli.install.helmclient cmd/install.go:162 Deployment is not ready: cfm-operator-system/cfm-operator. 0 out of 1 expected pods are ready … 2024-06-11T21:24:28.414+0200 INFO cli.install.helmclient cmd/install.go:162 release installed successfully: cfm-operator/cfm-operator-0.0.0-dev
- Create your license
Replacekubectl create secret generic cfm-operator-license --from-file=license.txt=[***PATH/TO/LICENSE.TXT***] -n [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***]
- [***PATH/TO/LICENSE.TXT***] with the relative path to the license file
- [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] with the namespace where you install Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator
- Run Helm
Replacehelm install cfm-operator [***PATH TO OPERATOR HELM CHART***] \ --create-namespace \ --namespace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] \ --set installCRDs=true \ --set image.repository=[***IMAGE REPOSITORY***] \ --set image.tag=[***OPERATOR VERSION***] \ --set licenseSecret=cfm-operator-license
CHART***] with the path to the
downloaded and unpacked Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator Helm chart, for
- [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] with the desired installation namespace, for
- [***IMAGE
REPOSITORY***] with the Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator image
- If you install from the Cloudera Docker
Registry, replace it
- If you install from a self-hosted private registry, replace it with your internal registry URL.
- If you install from the Cloudera Docker
Registry, replace it
[***OPERATOR VERSION***] with your desired Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator version, for example,
CHART***] with the path to the
downloaded and unpacked Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator Helm chart, for
Validate your installation.
Check if CustomResourceDefinitions for NiFi were installed or
Expect a similar output:kubectl get crds | grep nifi 2024-01-25T21:31:28Z 2024-01-25T21:31:29Z
Check if a Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator pod is up and
Expect a similar output:kubectl get pods -n cfm-operator-system
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE cfm-operator-545bfbc96b-sx4jt 2/2 Running 0 18m
Check if CustomResourceDefinitions for NiFi were installed or
With the operator installed and running, you can create and manage instances of NiFi and NiFi Registry by manipulating the Kubernetes object definitions.