Helm chart configuration reference
A reference table containing all configurable properties of the Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator Helm chart and their default values.
Specify each property using --set
option in your helm
commands. For example:
helm install cfm-operator ./charts/cfm-operator \
--create-namespace \
--namespace \
--set installCRDs=true \
--set image.repository=[***IMAGE REPOSITORY***] \
--set image.tag=[***OPERATOR VERSION***] \
--set licenseSecret=cfm-operator-license
Value | Description | Default |
affinity | Pod Affinity specifier for the operator Pod. Add to control scheduling behavior with respect to other Pods. | {} |
authProxy.image.pullPolicy | ImagePullPolicy for kube-rbac-proxy sidecar container. | IfNotPresent |
authProxy.image.repository | Image repository for kube-rbac-proxy sidecar container. | gcr.io/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy |
authProxy.image.tag | Image tag for kube-rbac-proxy sidecar container. | v0.15.0 |
cert-manager.enabled | Install embedded cert-manager chart. You are recommended to install and maintain cert-manager independently. Does not control installation of Certificate resources. | false |
hostNetwork | Boolean value indicating whether the operator Pod should have access to its host network. Rarely needed. | false |
image.imagePullSecrets | List of pull Secrets which contain authentication credentials to the image repository. |
image.pullPolicy | ImagePullPolicy for the Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator image. | IfNotPresent |
image.repository | Image repository of the Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator | “” |
image.tag | Image tag of the Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator. Typically the operator version. | “” |
installCrds | Boolean value indicating whether to install NiFi and NiFiRegistry CRDs. | true |
loglevel | Detail level for logs. | info |
manager.additionalLabels | Mapping of additional labels for the operator Pod and manager container. It can be used for setting custom labels on the container for metrics gathering, etc. | {} |
nodeSelector | NodeSelector specifiier for the operator Pod. Add to control on which Kubernetes Nodes the operator is allowed to install. | {} |
prometheusScraping | String value indicating whether to add a Prometheus scraping annotation to the operator Pod. Any value not “no” or “false” will result in the annotation being added. | no |
resources.requests | Resource requests for the operator Pod. |
cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi |
securityContext | Pod level SecurityContext spec. | runAsNonRoot: true |
toleration | Tolerations specifier for the operator Pod. Add to control which Node taints the Pod will accept. | {} |