Security Recommendations
Identity and policies in NiFi
TLS/SSL Configuration
Enable Auto-TLS
Manually configure TLS/SSL
TLS/SSL certificate requirements and recommendations
Configure TLS/SSL encryption manually for NiFi and NiFi Registry
NiFi TLS/SSL Properties
NiFi Registry TLS/SSL properties
Kerberos Authentication
Customizing Kerberos principal
LDAP Authentication
SAML Authentication
OpenID Connect Authentication
Identity-Mapping Properties
User group providers
LDAP Integration
LDAP and Ranger Policies
LDAP and File-Based Policies
LDAP User Group Provider Properties
Pairing LDAP with a Composite Group Provider
Access Policies providers
Ranger Authorization
Understanding the Ranger Authorization Process for CFM
Predefined controller-level policies for NiFi
Predefined controller-level policies for NiFi Registry
Predefined component-level policies for NiFi
NiFi Restricted Components
Before you begin
Add user to a pre-defined Ranger access policy
Create a custom Ranger access policy
Authorization example
File-Based Authorization
Migrate file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi Registry File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Environment Variables
Kerberos credentials
Local file system access
Default Ports for NiFi and NiFi Registry
FIPS 140-2 compliance
Encrypting NiFi sensitive properties with FIPS 140-2 approved algorithm
Integrate NiFi and Atlas
Manually Integrate with Atlas when Auto-TLS is not Enabled
Manually Integrate with Atlas when Auto-TLS is Enabled
Integrate NiFi and NiFi Registry with Knox
Enhance or Overwrite Properties in Cloudera Manager