Preparing to create Hive ACID table replication policies

Before you create a Hive ACID table replication policy, you must prepare the clusters for replication.

To perform Hive ACID table replication using Replication Manager, Cloudera Manager Server must manage the target cluster. You can use the same server or a peer Cloudera Manager Server to manage the source cluster. Hive ACID table replication policies use Hive scheduler to schedule the frequency of replication policy job runs.

To perform Hive ACID table replication using Replication Manager, Cloudera Manager Server must manage the target cluster. You can use the same server or a peer Cloudera Manager Server to manage the source cluster. Hive ACID table replication policies use Hive scheduler to schedule the frequency of replication policy job runs.

  1. Set up a two-way trust between the Cloudera Private Cloud Base clusters. For more information, see Configure two-way trust between clusters
  2. Configure a peer relationship only if the source cluster is managed by a different Cloudera Manager server than the target cluster. For more information, see Configuring a peer relationship.
  3. Ensure that the hive user and the hive group have 0755 port permission to the staging location if the target cluster uses Dell EMC Isilon storage.
  4. Configure the key-value pair on the source cluster for the following services to turn on the ChangeManager:
    Service Action

    For example, Hive-on-Tez-1

    On the Configuration tab, search for Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml property and set the key-value pair

    For example, Hive-1

    On the Configuration tab, search for Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml property and set the key-value pair.

    For example, Hive-1

    On the Configuration tab, search for Enable ChangeManager for Hive replication parameter and select it.
  5. Configure Hive configuration parameters for Hive ACID tables. For more information, see Advanced Hive configuration parameters for Hive ACID table replication policies.
    Optionally, to optimize the replication policy performance, you can configure the parameters in Recommended Hive configuration parameters for Hive ACID table replication policies and Parameters to optimize Hive ACID table replication performance as necessary.
  6. Enable the Hive ACID table replication feature flag on the source and target cluster.
    For more information, contact your Cloudera account team.
  7. Complete the following steps if LDAP authorization is enabled:
    1. Go to the Cloudera Manager > Clusters > HIVE-ON-TEZ SERVICE > Configuration tab.
    2. Choose Enable LDAP Authentication for HiveServer2.
    3. Enter the LDAP URL in the ldap[s]://[***HOST***]:[***PORT***] format.
    4. Enter the base LDAP distinguished name (DN) for the LDAP server in LDAP BaseDN. For example, ou=dev, dc=xyz.
    5. Restart the service.
    6. Enter the LDAP username in the config.ldap.repl.user.display_name (or hiveserver2_ldap_replication_user) property.
    7. Enter the LDAP password in the config-ldap-repl.password.display_name (or hiveserver2_ldap_replication_password) property.
    8. Save the configuration.