Navigation in Asset Details

A generic Assets Details page is available for container data types like buckets and databases.

The Contents tab (similar to the Schema tab) lists all the contents of the selected entity. Clicking on any element available in the Content tab navigates you to the Asset Details page.

For example, for a database entity having a list of tables, clicking on any listed table navigates to the Asset Details page of the same table. This page helps you understand the parent-child relationship between related assets. The Contents tab displays entities that are contained within assets of container entity types. The entities in the table of Contents tab are clickable, which will allow you to navigate to the Asset Details page of these contained assets.

In these contained assets, the Parent row in the Properties panel allows you to go one level up in the hierarchy to the container element. In certain elements, such as Hive tables, the Schema tab contains further elements whose name can be clicked to open individual contained elements.

The following table lists the entity types, their parent, and contents.

Type Parent Content
Hive DB - Hive Table
Hive Table Hive DB Hive column
HBase Namespace - HBase Table
ML Project - ML Model Build
ML Model Build ML Project ML Model Deployment