General known issues with Cloudera Data Engineering

Learn about the general known issues with the Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) service on public clouds, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.

DEX-13957: CDE metrics and graphs show no data
CDE versions 1.20.3 and 1.21 use Kubernetes version 1.27. In Kubernetes version 1.27, by default, the kube_state_metrics does not provide label and annotation metrics. For this reason, the node count shows zero for core and all-purpose nodes in the CDE UI and in charts.
As a prerequisite, set a kube-config for the CDE service and run:
kubectl patch deployment monitoring-prometheus-kube-state-metrics --namespace monitoring --type='json' -p=\
'[{"op": "add",
"path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args", "value":["--metric-labels-allowlist=nodes=[role]"]}]'
DEX-12630: CDE Service failed to run jobs on SSD Based clusters
When a customer creates a new CDE service with an SSD Instance enabled on CDE version greater than or equal to 1.19.4, Spark and Airflow jobs do not start at all. The same problem happens if an existing CDE service is upgraded to 1.19.3 or greater and has SSD Instance enabled.
Create a new CDE service without SSD Instance enabled until 1.20.3-h1. From 1.20.3-h2, you can create a new CDE service with SSD Instance enabled. However, you cannot upgrade existing SSD based service, therefore you must create a new one.
DEX 12451: Service creation fails when "Enable Public Loadbalancer" is selected in an environment with only private subnets
When creating a service with the Enable Public Load Balancer option selected, the service creation fails with the following error:
“CDE Service: 1.20.3-b15 ENV: dsp-storage-mow-priv (in mow-priv) and dsp-storage-aws-dev-newvpc (mw-dev) – Environment is configured only with private subnets, there are no public subnets. dex-base installation failed, events: [\{"ResourceKind":"Service","ResourceName":"dex-base-nginx-56g288bq-controller","ResourceNamespace":"dex-base-56g288bq","Message":"Error syncing load balancer: failed to ensure load balancer: could not find any suitable subnets for creating the ELB","Timestamp":"2024-02-08T09:55:28Z"}] 
When creating a service and enabling a public load balancer, configure at least one public subnet in the environment. For more information, see Enabling a Cloudera Data Engineering service.
DEX 11498: Spark job failing with error: "Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.AWSBadRequestException:"
When users in Milan and Jakarta region use Hadoop s3a client to access AWS s3 storage, that is using s3a://bucket-name/key to access the file, an error may occur. This is a known issue in Hadoop.
Set the region manually as: spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint.region=<region code> . For region codes, see
ENGESC-22921: Livy pod failure (CrashLoopBackoff)
There is not enough Livy-overhead-memory causing the Livy service to crash and trigger the pod to restart.
Increase the readiness/liveness timeout to 60 seconds and Livy pod will start.
DEX-11086: Cancelled statement(s) not canceled by Livy
Currently, Livy statements cant be cancelled immediately after using /sessions/{name}/statements/{id}/cancel. The status is returned as Cancelled but the background job continues to run.
There is a limitation on what can be cancelled. For example, if something is running on the driver exclusively, such as Thread.sleep()), it can not be cancelled.
DEX-9939: Tier 2 Node groups are created with the same size as Tier 1 node groups during service creation. They cannot be edited during service edit
If a service is created with 1 as the minimum on-demand scale limit, two nodes will run for Tier 1 and Tier 2. Even if a service is edited with the minimum reduced to 0, the Tier 2 node will still run. This will be fixed in the CDE 1.20 release.
You must manually edit the node group parameters from the AWS or Azure console. First, locate the log titled "Started provisioning a managed cluster, provisionerID: liftie-xxxxxxxx" and locate the Liftie ID for the cluster so that you can continue with the steps below.
  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to EC2 > Auto Scaling groups.
  3. Find <liftie-id>-spt2-<hash>-NodeGroup and click on the name to open the Instance Group Details page.
  4. Under Group Details, click Edit.
  5. Update Maximum capacity from 5 to 10, and click Update.
  6. Repeat the steps above to update the Maximum capacity of the <liftie-id>-cmp2-5<hash>-NodeGroup from 2 to 5. The Cluster Autoscaler implements the changes and the issue will resolve. The number of simultaneously running jobs will increase.
In Azure:
  1. Navigate to the Kubernetes Service Details > Log page.
  2. Navigate to the Node Pools page, and locate the Node Pool starting with cmp2.
  3. Click on Scale Node pools and edit the capacity.
DEX-9852: FreeIPA certificate mismatch issues for new Spark 3.3 Virtual Clusters
In CDE 1.19, when creating a new Virtual Cluster based on Spark 3.3, and submitting any job in the pods, the following error occurs: "start TGT gen failed for user : rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Operation not allowed while app is in recovery state."
Manually copy over the certificate from the FreeIPA server.
DEX-10147: Grafana issue for virtual clusters with the same name
In CDE 1.19, when you have two different CDE services with the same name under the same environment, and you click the Grafana charts for the second CDE service, metrics for the Virtual Cluster in the first CDE service will display.
After you have upgraded CDE, you must verify other things in the upgraded CDE cluster except the data shown in Grafana. Once you have verified everything in the new upgraded CDE service, the old CDE service should be deleted and the Grafana issue will be fixed.
DEX-9932: Name length causes Pod creation error for CDE Sessions
In CDE 1.19, the K8s pod name has a limitation of 63 Characters, and CDE Sessions has a name length of 56 maximum characters.
Create a CDE Session with a name of less than 56 characters to avoid the pod creation error.
DEX-9895: CDE Virtual Cluster API response displays default Spark version as 2.4.7
In CDE 1.19, the Spark version 3.2.3 is the expected default in a CDE Spark Virtual Cluster, but Spark 2.4.7 displays instead. This issue will be fixed in CDE 1.20.
DEX-9112: VC deployment frequently fails when deployed through the CDP CLI
In CDE 1.19, when a Virtual Cluster is deployed using the CDP CLI, it fails frequently as the pods fail to start. However, creating a Virtual cluster using the UI is successful.
Ensure that you are using proper units to --memory-requests in "cdp de" CLI, for example "--memory-requests 10Gi".
DEX-9790: Single tab Session support for Virtual Cluster selection
In CDE 1.19, the Virtual Cluster selection in the Jobs, Resources, Runs, and Sessions page is not preserved if the user attempts to open CDE in another browser tab/window.
When you open CDE in another tab, you must re-select the Virtual Cluster that you want to use in the new tab.
DEX-10044: Handle adding tier 2 auto scaling groups during in-place upgrades
Since auto scaling groups (ASGs) are not added or updated during the upgrade, the tier 2 ASGs are not created. This resulted in pods that were unable to be scheduled. This error applies to services created in CDE 1.18 and then upgraded to 1.19.
Create a new CDE service as this issue won't be seen on a new CDE 1.19 service because this error applies only to upgraded clusters.
DEX-10107: Spark 3.3 in CDE 1.19 has a limitation of characters for job names
Jobs with longer names over 23 characters can fail in Spark 3.3 with the following exception: 23-05-14 10:14:16 ERROR ExecutorPodsSnapshotsStoreImpl: Going to stop due to IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: '$JOB_NAME' in spark.kubernetes.executor.podNamePrefix is invalid. must conform and the value length <= 47
Change the name of the job:
  1. Clone the job with a new name using the CDE UI, CLI, or API.
  2. Set the app name in the job itself:conf.setAppName("Custom Job Name").
DEX-10055: Interacting with a killed session
When you interact with a long-running killed Spark session, the session might become unresponsive. Refrain from interacting with the long-running killed session. This will be fixed in a future release of CDE.
DEX-9879: Infinite while loops not working in CDE Sessions
If an infinite while loop is submitted as a statement, the session will be stuck infinitely. This means that new sessions can't be sent and the Session stays in a busy state. Sample input:
while(True) {
  1. Copy and use the DEX_API that can be found on the Virtual Cluster details page to cancel the statement: POST $DEX_API/sessions/{session-name}/statements/{statement-id}/cancel. The Statement ID can be found by running the cde sessions statements command from the CDE CLI.
  2. Kill the Session and create a new one.
DEX-9898: CDE CLI input reads break after interacting with a Session
After interacting with a Session through the sessions interact command, input to the CDE CLI on the terminal breaks. In this example below, ^M displays instead of proceeding:
> cde session interact --name sparkid-test-6
WARN: Plaintext or insecure TLS connection requested, take care before continuing. Continue? yes/no [no]: yes^M 
Open a new terminal and type your CDE commands.
DEX-9881: Multi-line command error for Spark-Scala Session types in the CDE CLI
In CDE 1.19, Multi-line input into a Scala session on the CDE CLI will not work as expected, in some cases. The CLI interaction will throw an error before reading the complete input. Sample input:
scala> type
Use the UI to interact with Scala sessions. A newline is expected in the above situation. In CDE 1.19, only unbalanced brackets will generate a new line. In CDE 1.20, all valid Scala newline conditions will be handled:
scala> customFunc(
     | (
     | )
     | )
DEX-9756: Unable to run large raw Scala jobs
Scala code with more than 2000 lines could result in an error.
To avoid the error, increase the stack size. For example, "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Xss4M", "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Xss8M", and so forth.
DEX-8679: Job fails with permission denied on a RAZ environment
When running a job that has access to files is longer than the delegation token renewal time on a RAZ-enabled CDP environment, the job will fail with the following error:
Failed to acquire a SAS token for get-status on /.../words.txt due to Permission denied.
DEX-8769: The table entity type on Atlas is spar_tables instead of hive_tables on Spark3 Virtual Clusters
Tables that are created using a Spark3 Virtual Cluster on an AWS setup will have spark_tables type instead of hive_tables on Atlas Entities.
On a Spark3 Virtual Cluster, enableHiveSupport() must be called in the following way: spark = SparkSession.builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() You may also use Spark2 in lieu of Spark3 as this issue does not occur in Spark2.
DEX-8774: Job and run cloning is not fully supported in CDE 1.17 through 1.18.1
Currently, cloning job and runs are not supported in CDE 1.17 through 1.18.1.
Clone jobs and run operations by navigating to the Administration page, clicking View Jobs on the respective Virtual Cluster.
DEX-3706: The CDE home page not displaying for some users
The CDE home page will not display Virtual Clusters or a Quick Action bar if the user is part of hundreds of user groups or subgrooups.
The user must access the Administration page and open the Virtual Cluster of choice to perform all Job-related actions. This issue will be fixed in CDE 1.18.1
DEX-8515: The Spark History Server user interface is not visible in CDE
During job execution in CDE 1.18, the Spark History Server user interface is not visible. This error will be fixed in CDE 1.18.1.
DEX-6163: Error message with Spark 3.2 and CDE
For CDE 1.16 through 1.18, if you experience an error message, "Service account may have been revoked" with Spark 3.2 and CDE, note that this is not the core issue despite what the error message states. Look for other exceptions as it is a harmless error and only displays after a job fails due to another reason. The error message displays as part of the shutdown process. This issue will be fixed in CDE 1.18.1.
DEX-7653: Updating Airflow Job/Dag file throws a 404 error
A 404 error occurs when you update an Airflow Job/Dag file with a modified DAG ID or name when you initiate the following steps:
  1. Create an Airflow job using a Simple Dag file. Use the Create Only option.
  2. Edit the Airflow Job and delete the existing DAG file.
  3. Upload the same DAG file with a modified DAG ID and Name from it's content.
  4. Choose a different Resource Folder.
  5. Use the Update and Run option.

    The 404 error occurs.

    To avoid this issue, ensure that you do not modify the DAG ID in step 3. If you must change your DAG ID in the dag file, then create a new file.

    This issue will be fixed in CDE 1.18.1.

DEX-8283: False Positive Status is appearing for the Raw Scala Syntax issue
Raw Scala jobs that fail due to syntax errors are reported as succeeded by CDE as displayed in this example:
The job will fail with the following error and will be logged in the driver stdout log:
/opt/spark/optional-lib/exec_invalid.scala:3: error: identifier expected but '.' found.
This issue will be fixed in CDE 1.18.1.
DEX-8281: Raw Scala Scripts fail due to the use of the case class
Implicit conversions which involve implicit Encoders for case classes, that are usually supported by importing spark.implicits._, don't work in Raw Scala jobs in CDE. These include converting Scala objects, including RDD Dataset DataFrame, and Columns. For example, the following operations will fail on CDE:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders
import spark.implicits._
case class Case(foo:String, bar:String)

// 1: an attempt to obtain schema via the implicit encoder for case class fails
val encoderSchema = Encoders.product[Case].schema

// 2: an attempt to convert RDD[Case] to DataFrame fails
val caseDF = sc
	.parallelize(1 to 3)
	.map(i => Case(f"$i", "bar"))

// 3: an attempt to convert DataFrame to Dataset[Case] fails
val caseDS = spark
Whereas conversions that involve implicit encoders for primitive types are supported:
val ds = Seq("I am a Dataset").toDS
val df = Seq("I am a DataFrame").toDF
Notice that List, Row, StructField, and createDataFrame are used below instead of case class and .toDF():
val bankRowRDD = => s.split(";")).filter(s => s(0) != "\"age\"").map(
  s => Row(
    s(1).replaceAll("\"", ""),
    s(2).replaceAll("\"", ""),
    s(3).replaceAll("\"", ""),
    s(5).replaceAll("\"", "").toInt

val bankSchema = List(
  StructField("age", IntegerType, true),
  StructField("job", StringType, true),
  StructField("marital", StringType, true),
  StructField("education", StringType, true),
  StructField("balance", IntegerType, true)

val bank = spark.createDataFrame(

DEX-7001: When Airflow jobs are run, the privileges of the user who created the job is applied and not the user who submitted the job
If you have an Airflow job (created by User A) that contains Spark jobs, and the Airflow job is run by another user (User B), the Spark jobs are run as User A instead of the user who ran it. Regardless of who submits the Airflow job, the Airflow job is run with the user privileges of the user who created the job. This causes issues when the job submitter has lesser privileges than the job owner who has higher privileges. We recommend that the Spark and Airflow jobs must be created and run by the same user.
CDPD-40396 Iceberg migration fails on partitioned Hive table created by Spark without location
Iceberg provides a migrate procedure to migrate a Parquet/ORC/Avro Hive table to Iceberg. If the table was created using Spark and the location is not specified, and is partitioned, the migration fails.
If you are using Data Lake or higher, the above known-issue will not occur. Otherwise, you’ll need to unset the default table property of 'TRANSLATED_TO_EXTERNAL' from 'true' by completing the following:
  2. Run the migrate procedure.
DEX-5857 Persist job owner across CDE backup restores
Currently, the user who runs the cde backup restore command has permissions, by default, to run the Jobs. This may cause CDE jobs to fail if the workload user differs from the user who runs the Jobs on Source CDE Service where the backup was performed. This failure is due to the Workload User having different privileges as the user who is expected to run the job.
Ensure that the cde job restore command is performed by the same user who is running the CDE Jobs in the Source CDE Cluster where the backup was performed. Additionally, you can ensure the User running the Restore has the same set of Permission as the User running the Job in Source CDE Cluster where the Backup was performed.
DEX-7483 User interface bug for in-place upgrade (Tech Preview)
The user interface incorrectly states that the Data Lake version 7.2.15 and above is required. The correct minimum version is 7.2.14.
DEX-6873 Kubernetes 1.21 will fail service account token renewal after 90 days
Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) on AWS running version CDE 1.14 through 1.16 using Kubernetes 1.21 will observe failed jobs after 90 days of service uptime.
Restart specific components to force regenerate the token using one of the following options:

Option 1) Using kubectl:

  1. Setup kubectl for CDE.
  2. Delete calico-node pods.
    kubectl delete pods --selector k8s-app=calico-node --namespace kube-system
  3. Delete Livy pods for all Virtual Clusters.
    kubectl delete pods --selector --all-namespaces

    If for some reason only one Livy pod needs to be fixed:

    1. Find the virtual cluster ID through the UI under Cluster Details.
    2. Delete Livy pod:
      export VC_ID=<VC ID>
      kubectl delete pods --selector --namespace ${​VC_ID}

Option 2) Using K8s dashboard

  1. On the Service Details page copy the RESOURCE SCHEDULER link.
  2. Replace yunikorn part with the dashboard and open the resulting link in the browser.
  3. In the top left corner find the namespaces dropdown and choose All namespaces.
  4. Search for calico-node.
  5. For each pod in the Pods table click the Delete option from the hamburger menu.
  6. Search for livy.
  7. For each pod in the Pods table click the Delete option from the hamburger menu.
  8. If for some reason only one Livy pod needs to be fixed, find the Virtual Cluster ID through the UI under Cluster Details and only delete the pod with the name starting with Virtual Cluster ID.
DEX-7286 In place upgrade (Technical Preview) issue: Certificate expired showing error in browser
Certificates failure after an in-place upgrade from 1.14.
Start the certificate upgrade:

Get cluster ID

  1. Navigate to the Cloudera Data Engineering Overview page by clicking the Data Engineering tile in the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) management console.
  2. Edit device details.
  3. Copy cluster ID filed into click board.
  4. In a terminal set the CID environment variable to this value.
    export CID=cluster-1234abcd

Get session token

  1. Navigate to the Cloudera Data Engineering Overview page by clicking the Data Engineering tile in the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) management console.
  2. Right click and select Inspect
  3. Click the Application tab.

    4. Click Cookies and select the URL of the console.

    5. Select cdp-session-token.

    6. Double click the displayed cookie value and right click and select Copy.

    7. Open a terminal screen.
    export CST=<Paste value of cookie here>

Force TLS certificate update

curl -b cdp-session-token=${CST}  -X 'PATCH' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"status_update":"renewTLSCerts"}' 'https://<URL OF CONSOLE>/dex/api/v1/cluster/$CID'
DEX-7051 EnvironmentPriviledgedUser role cannot be used with CDE
The role EnvironmentPriviledgedUser cannot currently be used by a user if a user wants to access CDE. If a user has this role, then this user will not be able to interact with CDE as an "access denied" would occur.
Cloudera recommends to not use or assign the EnvironmentPrivilegedUser role for accessing CDE.
CDPD-40396 Iceberg migration fails on partitioned Hive table created by Spark without location
Iceberg provides a migrate procedure for migrating a Parquet/ORC/Avro Hive table to Iceberg. If the table was created using Spark without specifying location and is partitioned, the migration fails.
By default, the table has a TRANSLATED_TO_EXTERNAL property and that is set to true. Unset this property by running ALTER TABLE ... UNSET TBLPROPERTIES ('TRANSLATED_TO_EXTERNAL') and then run the migrate procedure.
Strict DAG declaration in Airflow 2.2.5
CDE 1.16 introduces Airflow 2.2.5 which is now stricter about DAG declaration than the previously supported Airflow version in CDE. In Airflow 2.2.5, DAG timezone should be a, not datetime.timezone.utc.
If you upgrade to CDE 1.16, make sure that you have updated your DAGs according to the Airflow documentation, otherwise your DAGs will not be able to be created in CDE and the restore process will not be able to restore these DAGs.

Example of valid DAG:

import pendulum 
dag = DAG("my_tz_dag", start_date=pendulum.datetime(2016, 1, 1, tz="Europe/Amsterdam")) 
op = DummyOperator(task_id="dummy", dag=dag)

Example of invalid DAG:

from datetime import timezone
from dateutil import parser
dag = DAG("my_tz_dag", start_date=parser.isoparse('2020-11-11T20:20:04.268Z').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)) 
op = DummyOperator(task_id="dummy", dag=dag)
COMPX-5494: Yunikorn recovery intermittently deletes existing placeholders
On recovery, Yunikorn may intermittently delete placeholder pods. After recovery, there may be remaining placeholder pods. This may cause unexpected behavior during rescheduling.
There is no workaround for this issue. To avoid any unexpected behavior, Cloudera suggests removing all the placeholders manually before restarting the scheduler.
DWX-8257: CDW Airflow Operator does not support SSO

Although Virtual Warehouse (VW) in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) supports SSO, this is incompatible with the CDE Airflow service as, for the time being, the Airflow CDW Operator only supports workload username/password authentication.

Disable SSO in the VW.
COMPX-7085: Scheduler crashes due to Out Of Memory (OOM) error in case of clusters with more than 200 nodes

Resource requirement of the YuniKorn scheduler pod depends on cluster size, that is, the number of nodes and the number of pods. Currently, the scheduler is configured with a memory limit of 2Gi. When running on a cluster that has more than 200 nodes, the memory limit of 2Gi may not be enough. This can cause the scheduler to crash because of OOM.

Increase resource requests and limits for the scheduler. Edit the YuniKorn scheduler deployment to increase the memory limit to 16Gi.

For example:

    cpu: "4"
    memory: 16Gi
    cpu: "2"
    memory: 8Gi
COMPX-6949: Stuck jobs prevent cluster scale down

Because of hanging jobs, the cluster is unable to scale down even when there are no ongoing activities. This may happen when some unexpected node removal occurs, causing some pods to be stuck in Pending state. These pending pods prevent the cluster from downscaling.

Terminate the jobs manually.
DEX-3997: Python jobs using virtual environment fail with import error
Running a Python job that uses a virtual environment resource fails with an import error, such as:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/spark-826a7833-e995-43d2-bedf-6c9dbd215b76/", line 3, in <module>
    from insurance.beneficiary import BeneficiaryData
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'insurance'
Do not set the spark.pyspark.driver.python configuration parameter when using a Python virtual environment resource in a job.