Changing number of initial options in dashboard filters

In a dashboard filter, you can control the number of initial options that appear in the dashboard filter at loading time. This limits the display of options for datasets with a very large variability.

To change the number of options that appear in the dashboard filter at loading time, and before you enter a search criteria, follow these steps:

  1. In dashboard Edit mode, hover over a filter that is already added to the dashboard, until the controls appear on the top right.
  2. Click the Gear icon.

    The Settings modal window appears.

  3. In the Settings modal window, click Display Settings. The Remember previous selections option is checked by default.
  4. Enter a value in the Maximum default number of values displayed. Default is 1000.
  5. Click Apply.

    In the following example, let us compare the difference in number of values displayed when we change the Maximum default number of values displayed setting from 2 to 10. Notice that the search text box is empty. The number of items displayed depends on the setting in this option, not on the search criteria.