Selecting a range of number values on filter shelves
For selecting a range of numerical values in a filter shelf, let's use the example
from building Cross tabulation, where we specify several discrete years
of the dataset World Life Expectancy.
On the Filters shelf, click Down
Arrow on the year field placed there earlier, then click
Select values.
In the Filter for year modal window, click the
Range tab, and then slide the range upper and lower
values to select the range of values used by the visual.
By default, the lowest value of the range is at the extreme left of the slide
control (set to >=), and the highest value is on the extreme right
(set to <=). You can change the end-point specifications of the
The valid operators for the bottom of the range are:
Greater than or equal to (>=)
Greater than (>)
Equal to (=)
Not equal to (!=)
Do not use minimum range
The valid operators for the top of the range are:
Less than or equal to (<=)
Less than (<)
Do not use maximum range
After clicking Refresh Visual, the cross tabulation
visual appears. Note the years we specified in the previous step.