October 4, 2021

This release of Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service on CDP Private Cloud Data Services introduces the new features and improvements that are described in this topic.

Embedded Container Service (ECS) support for Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW)

ECS service creates and manages an embedded Kubernetes deployment for the CDW Data Service in your data center. Cloudera Manager handles the installation and configuration of ECS clusters while you manage and monitor your ECS clusters. For more information on ECS, see ECS documentation.

Custom Security Context Constraint name in OpenShift environments

CDW provides an option to specify a custom Security Context Constraint (SCC) name while activating an OpenShift environment. This allows CDW to use 1000 as the UID for the Hive user. The custom SCC is not deleted when you deactivate or delete the CDW environment.

CDW supports Search and Bind users from multiple LDAP organizational units (OU)

Workload services such as Hue, Impala, and Hive now support LDAP Search Bind authentication with the following limitations, mostly related to filtering:
  • You must specify at least two filter conditions, such as (&(uid={0})(objectClass=person)).
  • You must specify at least two group search filter, such as (&(memberUid={0})(objectClass=posixGroup)(gidNumber=4001)).
  • Hive CLI does not use the specified LDAP filter.
  • Hue and Hive can use the User Search base for Group searches as well.
  • Hue expects the groups to have 'cn' attribute as the group name attribute.
  • Do not specify OU in the LDAP group search or user search. Remove “ou=xyz” from “ou=xyz,dc=cloudera,dc=com”, so that it reads “dc=cloudera,dc=com”.
  • The group filter must be strict and must only return one group.
  • Data Analytics Studio (DAS) can be configured only with Simple Bind authentication and uses the LDAP Bind DN as the Bind pattern.

Changes to supported databases for Hive Metastore on base cluster (Technical Preview)

The Hive Metastore (HMS) on the CDP Private Base cluster supports MariaDB databases in addition to PostgreSQL. This feature is in Technical Preview and is not ready for production deployment. For more information on database requirements, see Base cluster database requirements for Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud.

Ability to configure database name for Hue and DAS

You can specify a custom database name for Hue, and DAS during environment activation when creating a default Database Catalog with external databases, or while creating a non-default Database Catalog. For more information, see Adding a new Database Catalog.

DAS is disabled when HMS on the base cluster is configured with a non-PostgreSQL database

DAS supports only PostgreSQL databases. If you have configured your base cluster with a non-PostgreSQL database and if your Virtual Warehouse is linked to a default Database Catalog, then DAS is not installed on the cluster.

Ability to specify Delegation Username and Password

CDW no longer inherits the delegation user from the LDAP Bind DN. You must specify Delegation Username and Delegation Password on the Activation Settings page while creating a CDW environment. The delegation user and password can authenticate users through an LDAP service account. For more information, see Using delegation username and password.