Authenticating users in CDW Private Cloud

Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) supports LDAP and Kerberos for authenticating users to access databases and tables from Business Intelligence (BI) clients and tools such as Hue, Beeline, Impyla, Impala-shell, and other JDBC clients.

Authentication using LDAP

If you use LDAP to authenticate users connecting to a Virtual Warehouse from a client shell such as Beeline, Impyla, Impala-shell, and so on, then you must create Bind users. However, the Bind users must either specify the username and password inline with the command or after submitting the command from the client.

Authentication using Kerberos

Kerberos uses passwords stored in the Kerberos keytab files. This removes the need to specify username and password as parameters inline with the command or after submitting the command from a JDBC client to connect to a Virtual Warehouse in CDW, while adding a layer of security.