Enabling warehouse-level access control for Hive and Impala in CDW Private Cloud

Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) enables you to specify one or more user groups to access a Virtual Warehouse while creating it. As a result, only those users can connect to that Virtual Warehouse, from all supported connection channels such as Hue, JDBC, Beeline, Impala-shell, Impyla, or other Business Intelligence tools. You can enable and disable warehouse-level access control from the Advanced Settings page in the CDW web UI.

If you do not specify a user group while creating a Virtual Warehouse, then the access is not restricted. Any logged-in user can access the Virtual Warehouse.

You must have the user groups created in the Management Console. If you are using Kerberos for authentication, then ensure that the users for whom you are enabling access are present in LDAP as well.
  1. Log in to the Data Warehouse service as DWAdmin.
  2. Go to Advanced Configuration > Advanced Settings page.
  3. To enable the access control feature, select the Enable warehouse-level access control for Hive and Unified Analytics option.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Refresh the Virtual Warehouses by going to Overview > Virtual Warehouses > > Refresh.
The User Groups drop-down menu will no longer be available on the New Virtual Warehouse creation tile.