Managing Data WarehousePDF version

Advanced configurations in CDW Private Cloud

You can access advanced configurations in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) Private Cloud from the left navigation pane on the CDW web interface. Some of these configurations must be enabled before you activate an environment and some can be applied by refreshing the environment, Database Catalog, and Virtual Warehouses.

Configuration Description Enabled by default? Condition for applying the configuration
Create databases for Virtual Warehouses Enables the automatic creation of databases for Hue and HMS. For external tables, CDW requires permission for CREATE and DROP DATABASE operations. If disabled, you need to create the databases before creating Database Catalogs.** No Enable before activating an environment in CDW.
Use deterministic namespace names Makes the namespace names deterministic, that is, given the same input, a client can get to the same name every time. Enable this option if you need to create Kerberos principals and keytabs. Yes Enable before activating an environment in CDW.
Enable ADLS as a storage provider Enables you to use Azure Data Lake Storage (Gen1 and Gen2) for storing tables. Yes Refresh
Copy configurations from base cluster to CDW Configurations such as default file format, compression type, and transactional type are copied from the base cluster to CDW to aid cluster setup and workload migration. Yes Refresh*
Customize pod sizes Enables you to customize the number of resources allocated to the Impala coordinators, executors, and catalog daemons. Yes No special action needed.
Store logs on HDFS Enables you to store CDW logs to HDFS on the base cluster. Yes Refresh*
Create multiple Database Catalogs Enables you to create more than one custom Database Catalogs for your environment.

Not recommended for production deployments.

No No special action needed.
Enable quota management Enables you to assign quota-managed resource pools to environments, Database Catalogs, Virtual Warehouses, and Data Visualization instances. No Enable before activating an environment in CDW.
Enable S3 and S3-compatible object store providers Enables you to use AWS S3 and other similar, compatible, on-premises object stores that support the S3 protocol for storing tables. Yes Refresh*
Enable warehouse-level access control for Impala Enables you to allow access to an Impala Virtual Warehouse for selected user groups. Select the Enable warehouse-level access control for Hive and Unified Analytics option to create an Impala warehouse in the Unified Analytics mode. Yes Refresh*
Enable warehouse-level access control for Hive and Unified Analytics Enables you to allow access to an Hive Virtual Warehouse for selected user groups in regular and Unified Analytics mode. No Refresh*
Enable workload-aware autoscaling for Impala Enables you to create multiple executor group sets of different sizes that can scale independently based on the load.

This is a preview feature. Not recommended for production deployments.

No Refresh*
Skip cluster validation during environment activation Skips the cluster validation step during environment activation. Select this topion if you want to proceed with the environment activation even after seeing false positive errors in the logs. No No special action needed.

This option is available only if you are upgrading CDP Private Cloud Data Services from a previous release.

If you enable this option, then you must specify the external database name on the Activate Environment page.

* Refresh the environment, Database Catalog, and Virtual Warehouses, in this order.

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