Managing Data WarehousePDF version

Configuring Hive/Impala logging on Ozone for Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud

This section describes how to configure Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) on Private Cloud to store Hive and Impala logs on Ozone storage.

You can configure CDW to store Hive and Impala logs on CDP Private Cloud storage components, such as Ozone. Ozone is a good choice to store these logs because:

  • Ozone efficiently handles files regardless of their size.
  • In addition to Ozone's built-in CLI interface, Ozone also supports the HDFS CLI and CLIs that are compatible with AWS clients.
  • CDP Private Cloud uses fluentd to push application logs to the storage layer. Ozone is a supported logging "back-end" component and has a fluentd-compatible endpoint for collecting the logs.