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Monitoring Data Warehouse service resources with Grafana dashboards

Grafana is visualization and analytics software that enables the development of dashboards to monitor metrics data. You can access pre-built Grafana dashboards to monitor Virtual Warehouses and your compute cluster in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW).

You connect to prebuilt dashboards to view metrics of CDW operations. Cloudera provides prebuilt Grafana dashboards for Hive, Impala, and Hue dashboards of metrics data, charts, and other visuals.

Using Grafana, CDP metrics are centralized in a single spot, stored in the Prometheus database, and monitored by Prometheus. Your workload databases are not involved in any way. You can immediately view the following pre-built dashboards:
Hive dashboards
The Hive dashboards cover the following operations of the Hive SQL engine in CDW:
  • Auto-scaling
  • Hive metastore
  • HiveServer
  • The Hive service itself (Hive-Home)
  • LLAP
Impala dashboards
The Impala dashboards include the following operations of the Impala SQL engine in CDW:
  • Catalog server
  • Coordinator
  • Executor
  • Statestore
  • The Impala service itself
The following screenshot shows the available scratch and cache disk utilization graphs for the Impala Virtual Warehouse:

Grafana dashboard for Impala Virtual Warehouse showing graphs for scratch and space utilization.

You can view dashboard metrics for different time periods by selecting the period of interest from the time range dropdown in the horizontal navigation.

On the Embedded Container Service (ECS) platform, you can view the CPU, memory, network usage, and disk input-output for each CDW node using the [***ENVIRONMENT-NAME***]-Nodes option. You can also expand the individual dashboards to see more details, as described in the following table:
Dashboard name Description Available metrics
CPU CPU utilization per node
  • Usage per node
  • Usage per user
  • Usage per system
  • Idle time
  • IO wait
Memory Memory utilization per node
  • Usage per node
  • Buffer cache
  • Page cache
  • Total, used, and available
Network Number of bytes and packets sent and received
  • Network transmitted
  • Network received
  • Network transmitted by an interface
  • Network received by an interface
Disk Disk bytes read and written
  • Bytes written
  • Bytes read
  • IO wait time