Viewing prebuilt dashboards

You see how to list dashboard groups, view the Hive dashboard, and see the actual metric data on a point in the X-axis. You can follow the same steps to work with other dashboards.

  1. Log into Grafana as described in the previous topic, "Getting Started in Grafana".
  2. In the Welcome screen, click grid , and then select Manage.
    A list of dashboard groups appears:
  3. Click the name of a dashboard group.
    For example, click hive.
    Names of the Hive dashboards in the group appears, a few of which are shown below:
  4. Click the name of a dashboard group.
    For example, click Compute Autoscaling.
    A number of dashboards appear. Only two are shown below:
  5. Select viewing of metrics over the last 24 hours.
  6. Hover over a graphic to reveal metric data for a particular point on the X-axis.