Troubleshooting errors that occur after successful DataFlow enablement

Learn how to recognize and correct common errors with environments for which Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) has been enabled.

After you have successfully enabled DataFlow for an environment there are several reasons why DataFlow’s health can become Concerning or Bad.

Concerning health due to “Workload Failed to Heartbeat”

If DataFlow health is concerning for one of your environments, hover over the status icon and check the Alerts tab in the environment details to see details about the issue. Workload Failed to Heartbeat means that the Cloudera Control Plane has not received a recent heartbeat from the DataFlow workload application running in your cloud account.

DataFlow fails to receive heartbeats from a particular environment

Heartbeat failures can have several reasons. Make sure that:

  • The associated CDP environment has been started and is running.
  • There was no networking related change in your VPC/subnet configuration and that your networking setup still meets the requirements outlined in the DataFlow Networking.

If the issue persists, open a support case with Cloudera.

Concerning Health due to Nearing Maximum Kubernetes Limit

When your Kubernetes cluster is close to its maximum node count, DataFlow will show Concerning Health for the particular environment and display an Active Alert with more details about the boundaries. To return DataFlow to Good Health you can adjust the maximum node number through the Edit Configuration option in the Environment actions menu.

Bad Health due to issues with the associated CDP environment

Certain issues with the associated CDP environment will result in DataFlow reporting Bad Health for an environment. Once DataFlow is in Bad Health you can no longer create or termnate flow deployments in the environment.

Bad Health due to CDP environment state

If the associated CDP environment is either unhealthy or in a starting/stopping state, DataFlow will report Bad Health. To return DataFlow to Good Health make sure that:

  • The associated CDP environment has been started and is running.
  • FreeIPA and DataLake are both running.

Bad Health due to CDP environment having been deleted

If the associated CDP environment has been deleted without disabling DataFlow first, DataFlow will report Bad Health indicating that it has been orphaned and required CDP services such as FreeIPA are no longer available in the environment.

You are not able to create new Flow Deployments for DataFlow. You cannot recover DataFlow health in this situation. Terminate your Flow Deployments and use the Disable Environment action to terminate DataFlow and associated cloud infrastructure and enable DataFlow again for a different CDP environment.