CDH 5 Security Guide
This CDH 5 Security Guide is for Apache Hadoop developers and system administrators who want to implement Kerberos security on a CDH 5 cluster. This guide is intended for those who are using CDH 5 because it includes specific instructions about using the Cloudera packages to configure your system.
This guide includes the following major topics:
- Introduction to Hadoop Security
- Configuring Hadoop Security in CDH 5
- Configuring Sentry
- Flume Security Configuration
- Hue Security Configuration
- Oozie Security Configuration
- HttpFS Security Configuration
- HBase Security Configuration
- Impala Security Configuration
- Hive Security Configuration
- HCatalog Security Configuration
- ZooKeeper Security Configuration
- Search Security Configuration
- FUSE - Mountable HDFS Security Configuration
- Sqoop, Pig, and Whirr Security Support Status
- Configuring Encrypted Shuffle, Encrypted Web UIs, and Encrypted HDFS Transport
- Integrating Hadoop Security with Active Directory
- Integrating Hadoop Security with Alternate Authentication
- Appendix A – Troubleshooting
- Appendix B - Information about Other Hadoop Security Programs
- Appendix C - Configuring the Mapping from Kerberos Principals to Short Names
- Appendix D - Enabling Debugging Output for the Sun Kerberos Classes
- Appendix E - Task-controller and Container-executor Error Codes
- Appendix F - Using kadmin to Create Kerberos Keytab Files
- Appendix G - Setting Up a Gateway Node to Restrict Access
- Appendix H - Using a Web Browser to Access an URL Protected by Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO
- Appendix I - Configuring LDAP Group Mappings
Page generated September 3, 2015.
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