Llama Installation

- Impala does not currently support Llama with Kerberos.
- At this point Llama has been tested only in a Cloudera Manager deployment. For information on using Cloudera Manager to configure Llama and Impala, see Installing Impala with Cloudera Manager.
The packaging options for installing Llama are:
- A RPM package for the Llama ApplicationMaster(llama-master)
- A Debian package for the Llama ApplicationMaster(llama-master)
Installing Llama
- llama- the binaries and configuration files
- llama-master - the service script that you use to run Llama

If you have not already done so, install Cloudera's yum, zypper/YaST or apt repository before using the following commands to install Llama. For instructions, see CDH 5 Installation.
To install Llama on a Red Hat system:
$ sudo yum install llama-master
To install Llama on an Ubuntu or other Debian system:
$ sudo apt-get install llama-master
To install Llama on a SLES system:
$ sudo zypper install llama-master
Configuring Llama

Llama works with YARN only; it does not work with MRv1.
When you install Llama from an RPM or Debian package, Llama server creates all configuration, documentation, and runtime files in the standard Linux directories, as follows.
Type of File |
Where Installed |
Binaries |
/usr/lib/llama/ |
Configuration |
/etc/llama/conf/ |
Logs |
/var/log/llama/ |
PID file |
/var/run/llama/ |
Llama uses the YARN configuration to interact with Hadoop. The Llama configuration file, /etc/llama/conf/llama-site.xml, contains all default values after installation. You do not need to change these to get Llama up and running.
Starting, Stopping, and Using Llama
To start Llama
$ sudo service llama startIf you see the message LlamaAMServer - Llama started! in the llama.log log file, the system has started successfully.
To stop Llama
$ sudo service llama stop
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