This is the documentation for CDH 5.0.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.


The Cloudera HBase packages have been configured to place logs in /var/log/hbase. Cloudera recommends tailing the .log files in this directory when you start HBase to check for any error messages or failures.

Table Creation Fails after Installing LZO

If you install LZO after starting the Region Server, you will not be able to create a table with LZO compression until you re-start the Region Server.

Why this happens

When the Region Server starts, it runs CompressionTest and caches the results. When you try to create a table with a given form of compression, it refers to those results. You have installed LZO since starting the Region Server, so the cached results, which pre-date LZO, cause the create to fail.

What to do

Restart the Region Server. Now table creation with LZO will succeed.

Page generated September 3, 2015.