This is the documentation for CDH 5.1.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.


The pool or queue name that queries should be submitted to. Only applies when you enable the Impala admission control feature (CDH 4 or CDH 5; see Admission Control and Query Queuing), or the YARN resource management feature (CDH 5 only; see Using YARN Resource Management with Impala (CDH 5 Only)). Specifies the name of the pool used by requests from Impala to the resource manager.

Formerly known as YARN_POOL during the CDH 5 beta period. Renamed to reflect that it can be used both with YARN and with the lightweight admission control feature introduced in Impala 1.3.

Default: empty (use the user-to-pool mapping defined by an impalad startup option in the Impala configuration file)

Page generated September 3, 2015.