CDH 4.4.0 Properties
This section provides reference information on configuration properties supported by Cloudera Manager 5.4.x to manage CDH 4.4.0. Available properties may differ by CDH version. To
manage a different version of CDH, go to Cloudera Manager 5.4 Configuration Properties.
Other Resources
For the latest complete documentation for Cloudera Manager and CDH, see Cloudera Documentation.
For information on managing configuration settings for Cloudera Manager, see Modifying Configuration Properties and Viewing and Reverting Configuration Changes.
Property categories:
- Accumulo Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Accumulo 1.6 Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Flume Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- HBase Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- HDFS Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Hive Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Hue Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Impala Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Isilon Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Key-Value Store Indexer Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- MapReduce Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Oozie Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Solr Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Spark (Standalone) Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- Sqoop 2 Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- YARN (MR2 Included) Properties in CDH 4.4.0
- ZooKeeper Properties in CDH 4.4.0