Jobs and PipelinesPDF version

Legacy Jobs API (Deprecated)

This topic demonstrates how to use the legacy API to launch jobs.

Cloudera AI exposes a legacy REST API that allows you to schedule jobs from third-party workflow tools. You must authenticate yourself before you can use the legacy API to submit a job run request. The Jobs API supports HTTP Basic Authentication, accepting the same users and credentials as Cloudera AI.

Cloudera recommends using your legacy API key for requests instead of your actual username/password so as to avoid storing and sending your credentials in plaintext. The legacy API key is a randomly generated token that is unique to each user. It must be treated as highly sensitive information because it can be used to start jobs using the API. To look up your Cloudera AI legacy API key:
  1. Sign in to Cloudera AI.
  2. From the upper right drop-down menu, switch context to your personal account.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Select the API Key tab.

The following example demonstrates how to construct an HTTP request using the standard basic authentication technique. Most tools and libraries, such as Curl and Python Requests, support basic authentication and can set the required Authorization header for you. For example, with curl you can pass the legacy API key to the --user flag and leave the password field blank.

curl -v -XPOST<path_to_job> --user "<LEGACY_API_KEY>:"

To access the API using a library that does not provide Basic Authentication convenience methods, set the request's Authorization header to Basic <LEGACY_API_KEY_encoded_in_base64>. For example, if your API key is uysgxtj7jzkps96njextnxxmq05usp0b, set Authorization to Basic dXlzZ3h0ajdqemtwczk2bmpleHRueHhtcTA1dXNwMGI6.

Once a job has been created and configured through the Cloudera AI web application, you can start a run of the job through the legacy API. This will constitute sending a POST request to a job start URL of the form:<$USERNAME>/<$PROJECT_NAME>/jobs/<$JOB_ID>/start.

To construct a request, use the following steps to derive the username, project name, and job ID from the job's URL in the web application.
  1. Log in to the Cloudera AI web application.
  2. Switch context to the team/personal account where the parent project lives.
  3. Select the project from the list.
  4. From the project's Overview, select the job you want to run. This will take you to the job Overview page. The URL for this page is of the form:<$USERNAME>/<$PROJECT_NAME>/jobs/<$JOB_ID>.
  5. Use the $USERNAME, $PROJECT_NAME, and $JOB_ID parameters from the job Overview URL to create the following job start URL:<$USERNAME>/<$PROJECT_NAME>/jobs/<$JOB_ID>/start.
    For example, if your job Overview page has the URL, then a sample POST request would be of the form:
    curl -v -XPOST    \
    --user "<API_KEY>:" --header "Content-type: application/json"

    Note that the request must have the Content-Type header set to application/json, even if the request body is empty.

You can set environment variables for a job run by passing parameters in the API request body in a JSON-encoded object with the following format.

    "environment": {
        "ENV_VARIABLE": "value 1",
        "ANOTHER_ENV_VARIABLE": "value 2"

The values set here will override the defaults set for the project and the job in the web application. This request body is optional and can be left blank.

Be aware of potential conflicts with existing defaults for environment variables that are crucial to your job, such as PATH and the Cloudera AI variables.

As an example, let’s assume user Alice has created a project titled Risk Analysis. Under the Risk Analysis project, Alice has created a job with the ID, 208. Using curl, Alice can use her API Key (uysgxtj7jzkps96njextnxxmq05usp0b) to create an API request as follows:
curl -v -XPOST      \
--user "uysgxtj7jzkps96njextnxxmq05usp0b:" --header "Content-type: application/json"           \
--data '{"environment": {"START_DATE": "2017-01-01", "END_DATE": "2017-01-31"}}'
In this example, START_DATE and END_DATE are environment variables that are passed as parameters to the API request in a JSON object.

In the resulting HTTP request, curl automatically encodes the Authorization request header in base64 format.

* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'uysgxtj7jzkps96njextnxxmq05usp0b'
> POST /api/v1/projects/alice/risk-analysis/jobs/21/start HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Authorization: Basic dXlzZ3h0ajdqemtwczk2bmpleHRueHhtcTA1dXNwMGI6
> User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-type: application/json
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 12:00:00 GMT
< Vary: Accept-Encoding
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  "engine_id": "cwg6wclmg0x482u0"

You can confirm that the job was started by going to the Cloudera AI web application.

To start a job run using Python, Cloudera recommends using Requests, an HTTP library for Python; it comes with a convenient API that makes it easy to submit job run requests to Cloudera AI. Extending the Risk Analysis example from the previous section, the following sample Python code creates an HTTP request to run the job with the job ID, 208.

Python 2

import requests
import json

HOST = ""
USERNAME = "alice"
API_KEY = "uysgxtj7jzkps96njextnxxmq05usp0b"
PROJECT_NAME = "risk-analysis"
JOB_ID = "208"

url = "/".join([HOST, "api/v1/projects", USERNAME, PROJECT_NAME, "jobs", JOB_ID, "start"])
job_params = {"START_DATE": "2017-01-01", "END_DATE": "2017-01-31"}
res =
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
    auth = (API_KEY,""),
    data = json.dumps({"environment": job_params})

print "URL", url
print "HTTP status code", res.status_code
print "Engine ID", res.json().get('engine_id')

When you run the code, you should see output of the form:

HTTP status code 200
Engine ID r11w5q3q589ryg9o
  • Cloudera AI does not support changing your legacy API key, or having multiple API keys.

  • Currently, you cannot create a job, stop a job, or get the status of a job using the Jobs API.