Configuring Project-level Runtimes

If you've specified project-level Runtimes, you can view your chosen Runtime configuration by clicking Project Settings > Runtime/Engine. Your chosen Runtimes are listed under Available Runtimes.

  • If the Available Runtimes table is empty, users can select from all Runtimes available in the deployment to start new sessions or workloads.
  • The filtering options in Project Settings only affect the user interface. The filtering options do not apply when projects are accessed using API v2.
  • You can remove an available Runtime by clicking the corresponding "x" in the right most column. Runtimes can only be removed if there are no active workloads using them.
  • You can add additional Runtimes by clicking Add Runtime and chosing additional Runtimes.
  • If there is a newer version of a Runtime, a warning icon displays next to the appropriate Runtimes. You can apply the latest version by clicking Add Latest. The older Runtime version is not removed from the table. However, you can remove it by clicking the x" in the right most column.
  • The Available Runtimes table shows related counters for non-interactive workloads.