Known Issues

Current known issues and limitations in Cloudera Observability On-Premises.

Impala does not support super user configuration for the observability user for Apache Ranger-enabled cluster
The observability user requires full privileges on the Observability cluster. Required services such as Kafka, HDFS, HBase, and Hive support super user setup by specifying the ranger.plugin.[service].super.users property to observability. However, this super user setup is not supported for Impala.
Manually add a new user named observability in Apache Ranger and assign full privileges.
  • For information, see Adding a user in CDP Private Cloud Base documentation.
  • For information on granting user access using Apache Ranger, see Impala Authorization in CDP Private Cloud Data Warehouse Runtime documentation.
/cloudera-sigma-olap directory consumes significant storage space in HDFS
The Cloudera Observability On-Premises 3.5.2 version enables weekly execution of the purger by default. However, periodic clean-up of /cloudera-sigma-olap is not currently included in this purger.
Run the command to identify which specific directory consumes the most space.
hdfs dfs -du -h /cloudera-sigma-olap/
0        0        /cloudera-sigma-olap/auto_action_audit
2.0 G    6.0 G    /cloudera-sigma-olap/cluster_events
82.1 G   246.4 G  /cloudera-sigma-olap/cluster_metrics
0        0        /cloudera-sigma-olap/hive_on_mr_table
37.7 M   113.2 M  /cloudera-sigma-olap/hms_partition
13.2 M   39.6 M   /cloudera-sigma-olap/hms_partition_json_schema_v1
93.4 M   280.3 M  /cloudera-sigma-olap/hms_table
7.8 M    23.4 M   /cloudera-sigma-olap/hms_table_json_schema_v1
798.1 K  2.3 M    /cloudera-sigma-olap/impala_query
52.7 M   158.1 M  /cloudera-sigma-olap/pse_root
8.1 K    24.3 K   /cloudera-sigma-olap/schema
0        0        /cloudera-sigma-olap/yarn_app_metrics
Consider a scenario where you want to clean up the cluster_metrics directory.
  1. Navigate into the folder structure to review the directories for each date.
  2. Run the following commands to manually clean up the directory:

    Clean up for a year:

    hdfs dfs -rmr /cloudera-sigma-olap/cluster_metrics/accountid=accountid/clusterid=/dt=2023-*
    Clean up for a month
    hdfs dfs -rmr /cloudera-sigma-olap/cluster_metrics/accountid=accountid/clusterid=/dt=2023-07-*
Exporting of Impala queries fail for Telemetry Publisher with Cloudera Manager 7.11.3
Telemetry Publisher for Impala queries does not work with Cloudera Manager 7.11.3
Upgrade Cloudera Manager from 7.11.3 to 7.11.3 cumulative hotfix 6 (CHF6) version to successfully export Impala queries.
Auto Action trigger for Impala Engine
Impala Auto Action triggers do not work for the Kerberos-enabled Private Cloud base cluster running on Cloudera Manager 7.9.5 and 7.11.3.
Full log link fails to open the log details page on Mozilla Firefox
On the Spark Job Details page, clicking the Full Log link does not open the Log details page. This issue occurs on Mozilla Firefox.
Use Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.