We are excited to introduce new Cloudbreak documentation which accompanies Cloudbreak 2.4.0 general availability release!

This documentation was created to accompany the new Cloudbreak 2.4.0 product UI and CLI. It is not based on previous Cloudbreak 1.6.x documentation versions. Here are the highlights of what changed:

  • The documentation has been reorganized to help you find information more easily.
  • The steps for meeting the prerequisites, launching Cloudbreak, and creating a Cloudbreak credentials are described in detail, including numerous screenshots. They are appropriate for users who want to get started with Cloudbreak but are not familiar with the AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud cloud providers.
  • The steps for creating a cluster reflect the new UI and new cluster options.
  • For AWS and Azure, we included documentation sections related to cloud data access.
  • To help you get started with the new Cloudbreak CLI, we included new Cloudbreak CLI documentation, including CLI reference.
  • The steps for using custom images have been updated.
  • Instructions for using an external RDBMS for Cloubdreak were added.
  • Instructions for migrating Cloudbreak from one machine to another were added.
  • Instructions for disabling cloud providers were added.
  • Instructions for enabling Kerberos Security were updated to show new steps for using Kerberos with Cloudbreak clusters.
  • Autoscaling instructions were updated to reflect new autoscaling UI.

Check out this new documentation using the links below. We value your feedback, so don’t hesitate to ask questions or leave comments on HCC.

Thanks! Hortonworks Technical Documentation Team

Documentation Links: Get Started Release Notes