Impala type conversion functions

Conversion functions are usually used in combination with other functions, to explicitly pass the expected data types. Impala has strict rules regarding data types for function parameters. For example, Impala does not automatically convert a DOUBLE value to FLOAT, a BIGINT value to INT, or other conversion where precision could be lost or overflow could occur. Also, for reporting or dealing with loosely defined schemas in big data contexts, you might frequently need to convert values to or from the STRING type.

Function reference:

Impala supports the following type conversion functions:

CAST(expression AS type)
Purpose: Returns expression converted to the type data type.
If the expression value is of a type that cannot be converted to the target type:
  • Of DECIMAL, DATE, and BOOLEAN, the function returns an error.
  • Of all other types, the function returns NULL.

Usage notes:

Use CAST when passing a column value or literal to a function that expects a parameter with a different type. Frequently used in SQL operations such as CREATE TABLE AS SELECT and INSERT ... VALUES to ensure that values from various sources are of the appropriate type for the destination columns.

Where practical, do a one-time CAST() operation during the ingestion process to make each column into the appropriate type, rather than using many CAST() operations in each query; doing type conversions for each row during each query can be expensive for tables with millions or billions of rows.

The way this function deals with time zones when converting to or from TIMESTAMP values is affected by the ‑‑use_local_tz_for_unix_timestamp_conversions startup flag for the impalad daemon. See TIMESTAMP data type for details about how Impala handles time zone considerations for the TIMESTAMP data type.

Purpose: Returns the name of the data type corresponding to expression. For types with extra attributes, such as length for CHAR and VARCHAR, or precision and scale for DECIMAL, includes the full specification of the type.

Return type: STRING

Usage notes: Typically used in interactive exploration of a schema, or in application code that programmatically generates schema definitions such as CREATE TABLE statements, for example, to get the type of an expression such as col1 / col2 or CONCAT(col1, col2, col3). This function is especially useful for arithmetic expressions involving DECIMAL types because the precision and scale of the result is can be different than that of the operands.


TYPEOF(2) returns TINYINT.