Hadoop File System commands
You can execute Hadoop file system commands using CLI on your cluster.
- Access your cluster by using the URL of the container.
abfs://<NAME OF CONTAINER>@<NAME OF ACCOUNT>.dfs.core.windows.net/
- Create a directory using the mkdir command. For example,
hadoop fs -mkdir abfs://abfscontainer@abfstorageacc.dfs.core.windows.net/myDir/ hadoop fs -ls abfs://abfscontainer@abfstorageacc.dfs.core.windows.net/
Found 2 items
drwxr-xr-x - root root 0 2020-05-20 15:14 abfs://abfscontainer@abfstorageacc.dfs.core.windows.net/myDir drwxr-x--- - root root 0 2020-05-20 12:50 abfs://abfscontainer@abfstorageacc.dfs.core.windows.net/test
Similarly, you can use the put command to add a file to one of the directories, ls command to list the items in your cluster, and cat command to read the contents of the file.