Fixed Issues in Impala

Review the list of Impala issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.3.1

CDPD-69856: SIGSEGV crash while accessing query state from concurrent access during query execution
A crash can occur due to concurrent updates and reads of execution state, such as through the WebUI, during query processing.
Ensured atomic updates of execution state to prevent conflicts and crashes during concurrent operations.

Apache Jira: IMPALA-12747

Missing txnId in tableWriteIds Mapping during AllocWriteIdEvent Processing
Fix issue of txnId not being added to tableWriteIds mapping in Catalog.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12851

CDPD-73442: Resolution of potential deadlock
This fix addresses a deadlock issue in long-running sessions with an active idle_query_timeout, which caused new queries to hang and prevented existing queries from expiring.

Apache Jira: IMPALA-13313

CDPD-71288: Retry HMS fetch failures to keep event-processor active
Metastore event processor enters an error state due to failures in creating a MetaStoreClient or fetching events, which should be retriable instead.
This issue is now fixed.

Apache Jira: IMPALA-12561

Some local file descriptors not released when using remote spilling
The issue that occurred during remote spilling when writing spilled data to local buffers has been fixed. The disk space occupied by the file can now be reclaimed.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12681

Handle empty string in StringValue::LargestSmallerString
StringValue::LeastSmallerString() did not account for empty strings, causing potential exceptions by using an invalid length.
The function now checks if the string is empty and returns an empty string if so. The function was also renamed to LargestSmallerString() to clarify its purpose.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12478

CDPD-67493 : ALTER_PARTITION self-event detection for partitions created via INSERT
Fix for incorrect identification on self events.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12356

CDPD-67912 : Failures in processing AbortTxnEvent
Fixes event processing errors when write IDs of an AbortTxnEvent are cleaned up by the HMS cleaner housekeeping threads.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12827

CDPD-67493: Implicit invalidate metadata on event failures
Implicitly invalidates a table instead of resulting in an ERROR state during event processing.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12832

IMPALA-12831: HdfsTable.toMinimalTCatalogObject() failed by concurrent modification
Fix race condition when a table is being invalidated and updated concurrently.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12831

Release JNI array if DeserializeThriftMsg failed
Fix conditional JVM heap leak in array allocation on deserialization failures.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12969

NPE in executing RELOAD events
Fixes the possibility of encountering a NullPointerException when refreshing a partition that has just been dropped.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12969

Event processing without hms_event_incremental_refresh_transactional_table
Fix event processor, which is not synching file metadata for non-partitioned ACID tables when incremental refresh on transactional tables is turned off.

Apache Jira:: IMPALA-12835